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                     Dirty Dancing


“How about dancing? Let’s dance, Kingston!” he exclaims excitedly, trying to pour tea into two mugs. Afraid in his excitement he might spill it all over the wooden flooring of her apartment, Alex takes the kettle from him, and pours the tea into the mugs. “Dance?”

“Yes! You said you were bored. We can take a break and do some exercise? It’d be relaxing too. So, dance”, he explains, his hands waving around him.

Turning away from him, carrying the mugs to the living area, Alex laughs. “You want to live dangerously, darling? I’m bored, but that doesn’t mean rushing you to the hospital is a perfectly acceptable means to pass my time.”

Keeping the mugs on the table, she turns and promptly collides into the hard body behind her. “Jesus! Matthew! You scared me.” She has her hand over her heart, trying to still her erratic heart. When Matt gives her a lopsided grin, she huffs and moves away.

“What happened, Kingston? Afraid of a little dancing?” he dares.

She turns to look at him. Arching an eyebrow, she folds her arms across her chest. “Hardly, Sweetie.” She gives a startled gasp when without any preamble Matt grabs her wrist and pulls her into him, his mouth next to her ear, “Then, let’s dance, Kingston.”

“There’s no music.”

“You are my Melody; you are the Song, Kingston”, he teases, whispering in her ear, swaying a bit on the spot. She laughs breathlessly, “Oh, alright. Mind you, I love my toes.”

Twirling her away from him, he once again pulls her back into him, closer than before. “Oh, I love them too, alright.”

They continue to dance for a while, Matt humming some unrecognizable ditty in her ear, increasing the pace of their dance, their hips making sharp thrusts. By the end, there is no rhythm, and they make up their own steps, Matt twirling Alex around with a flourish. This time, when he pulls her back into him, it feels like there is no space between them. They are standing closer than necessary, his hand lower than required. Their breaths harsh, every inhale making her breasts brush against his chest, sending a thrill through her.

Their faces are dangerously close. He could just tilt his face and ‘accidentally’ kiss her.

And so he does.

Alex is the first one to break away. “Watch where your mouth goes, sweetie”, she giggles breathlessly, Matt joining in her laughter. Resting her forehead against his shoulder, she tries to catch her breath. Sobering up, she realises for the first time the silence in the room. She looks up at Matt, who has an intense look on his face. “I am not as clumsy as you think, Alex.”

Confused, she begins to ask him what he meant by that, when, without any warning, Matt pulls her closer, if it was even possible, and dips her. Before she can comprehend anything, Matt captures her lips in a fierce kiss, his one hand curling around the nape of her neck and the other cupping her arse. He can feel the very moment the initial shock wears out. Pressing her closer, he slants his lips over hers, gently swiping the tip of his tongue along her lips, begging for entry.

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