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                Love Can Be Blind


Blinking, Alex futilely tried to make the white room come back into focus around her.

“You might have slightly blurred vision for as long as twenty-four hours, but most patients only experience that side effect for an hour or two following the procedure.”

“Oh… oh alright. Thank you,” she answered the nurse quietly, still blinking.

“You have someone to drive you home then, I take it?”

“Yes, yes of course, Matt should be waiting outside… would you mind sending him in to help me collect my things?”

“Of course I will, Ms. Kingston!”

Before she could laugh off the formality and ask the excitable young women to please, just call her Alex, she saw the blur of white fabric and blonde tresses slip through the doorway. Alex had just gotten laser eye surgery, finally, so she would only have to wear glasses when reading, and not contacts constantly whilst filming. Matt had been pleased to hear, though, that she’d likely still need reading glasses, joking that he found them quite attractive on her. Well, actually he’d seemed rather serious, but she’d written the comment off as a product of his exhaustion after a long day on the Who set.

Less than a minute after the nurse had left, Matt Smith was breezing into the room. She could see, even through her misty eyes, his habitual running of a long-fingered hand through his hair, his awkward gait as he stepped towards the reclined patient’s chair she now sat in upright, and the concerned look on his dashing face.

“Kingston! How’d it go? Do your eyes or head hurt at all? How do you feel?” Reminding Alex as always of an expectant little puppy, he chattered as he thoughtlessly took her hand in his and helped steady her.       

“Darling I’m perfectly fine, just can’t quite make out the details of your face at the moment,” she reassured him.

“Ah, well does this help?” He grinned cheesily as he moved so that his face was mere inches from her own.

Ignoring the little thrill running up her spine at his proximity, she giggled at his cheekiness.

“Won’t you just take me home already?” she mock-whined, but when she leaned forward to teasingly brush her nose against his, she’d apparently overestimated her ability to balance when her sight was as if peering through frosted glass and the sedatives were still working their way through her system. She stumbled into his body, and he caught her carefully and put his hands on either side of her waist to steady her again.

“Yes, I do think that would be the safest possible course of action at the moment.”

“Oh, shut up!” she snickered, pouting playfully at him. “Help me gather up my things?”

He reluctantly let go of her, only to quickly sweep her bag and coat from the floor and take her arm once more.

“Well, someone’s quite uncharacteristically graceful today,” she teased.

“Someone has to be, and it clearly isn’t you at the moment!” she fake pouted again at his mild insult. “I do think the chivalrous nature of my presence here today balances out the nastiness of that comment, as well as the next three or so offensive things I happen to say.”

“I guess I’ll take what I can get at the moment,” she said. “It really is so wonderful of you to do this for me though, thank you again sweetie.”

“Not a problem, Kingston, it’s not as if I’m upset to have a slightly incapacitated women under my care, not when she looks like you anyway…” she could feel his eyes scanning her up and down, even as she could just make out the outline of his shape beside her.

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