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        the girl behind the mask


The girl behind the mask

Halloween was one of his favourite holidays, following Christmas and his birthday (yes, he counted his birthday as a holiday).

And what made Halloween this year all the better?

Karen's Halloween Masquerade.

All of her parties were a massive hit, the majority of people ending up smashed by the time nine rolled around, and tales of misadventures and embarrassing situations retold the following day.

Yes, Halloween this year would be the best fright night of his life.

He'd decided to go traditional, hiring an impressive old Victorian costume. Adding fangs and a black cloak, and he was set as the traditional vampire. All he needed was a mask.

Black felt, silver and blue lining to match his old-fashioned suit.

He was going to be the best dressed vampire there.

He was also going to be the latest.

He arrived almost two and half hours after the party started. Pulling up in a cab, he shook his head with a smile as music blared from her apartment and already couples were sneaking off around the building. Looking at his watch, he rolled his eyes at the time. Only Karen could kick off a party and at 10:30 at night have almost half the guest list already drunk.

Climbing the stairs, he rapped his knuckles against her door, swaying slightly as he waited for it to open.

It did a moment later, but not by Karen. He expected that of course... The music was blaring so loudly, he doubted Kaz could even hear the person next to her. What he didn't expect was the half naked guy wearing what looked like the remains of an Iron Man suit.

Shaking his head as he squeezed passed, he glanced around the room, attempting to make out anyone he knew well among the crowd. It took him a few minutes before he spotted who he hoped was Steven.

"Cutting it close to bed time aren't you old man?"

Steven turned around, glaring at Matt through his pirates eye-patch mask.

"Trip over air on your way up yet?"

Matt laughed, rubbing his shoulder from where Steven slapped him in greeting.

"Yeah yeah yeah, touché my friend, touché."

Matt looked around, picking up a drink from behind Steven.

"Who else is here?"

Steven shrugged, pulling the stuffed parrot on his shoulder up from falling.

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