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Matt has lots of fantasies about Alex. He just has to look at her and his brain immediately disconnects from reality. It’s not his fault really; have you ever looked at the woman? This amazing, gorgeous, bloody hot woman?

He knows he shouldn’t think of her this way. She’s his colleague; moreover, she’s his friend. It would be highly embarrassing if she discovers any of his thoughts. She would never want to speak to him again. He would never be able to look at her again. It would be a shame; he loves looking at her. More than he should, really.

The days when she’s on set are the best. He can look at her, speak to her and flirt with her. They flirt a lot, which doesn’t help him stopping his inappropriate thoughts. It doesn’t help either when she touches his arm in support, or kisses his cheek to say hello, or throws her head back as she laughs and he can see the muscles of her throat quivering. He has to close his eyes then and forgets he wants to drag his teeth along that tantalizing neck to taste her skin.

As a consequence, the days she’s on set are also the worst. He can look at her, speak to her and flirt with her but that’s all. He can’t have what he really wants from her, so he has to restrain himself for hours and stops his body from reacting against his will. Sometimes he’s afraid that he’s going to forget he’s not in a dream and he’s going to jump on her and snog her senseless. Fortunately, it hasn’t happened yet.

The days pass very fast, and he barely realizes he’s shooting between the few moments he can be with her. But at the same time the days pass very slow, and he has to wait to be back home to release the tension he has been feeling since the first second he has laid eyes on her. It’s even more difficult when they spend the night together, having a drink or dinner with the rest of the crew. Some days he doesn’t know how he survives the frustration.

The fantasies started the first day they met. They were reading the script of their first episode with the whole crew, and he made the silly mistake to propose a change. “Why wouldn’t River land on top of the Doctor?” Everybody found this was a brilliant idea, even Moffat who was highly excited about his proposition. A few seconds and the change was done - and Matt’s fate was sealed.

From the moment she fell on him, again and again that day, he couldn’t stop thinking about her.

Sometimes he simply changes in his mind the scenes they have shot during the day. He likes to imagine what the Doctor and River should have done, and what it would feel like to play their naughty moments together. For that first scene for instance, he likes to imagine that Amy isn’t there. The Doctor doesn’t act awkwardly, welcoming River with a smile and knowing exactly what to do with his hands. Before she can realize where she is, he grabs the back of her neck to kiss her none too gently. He nips her lips and licks at the roof of her mouth hungrily, squeezing her arse at the same time. She responds instantly, biting him back and rolling her hips against him.

He holds her close, his arms keeping her in place as she fights to free herself from his embrace. There’s a lot of friction involved as they struggle, still kissing with passion. He loosens his grip on her, exploring more of her body and they roll on the floor. At some point they lose their clothes, or they more likely tear them apart until they are skin against skin. It feels good to have her with him, moaning and writhing against him while her nails scratch his skin and her teeth dig into his flesh.

He has thought about this scene more than once and it’s still one of his favorites. Sometimes he imagines her on top, sometimes it’s him, but it doesn’t really matter because it always ends up the same: he’s inside of her, finally. She’s perfectly wet and tight, clenching around him. The fantasy never lasts long when he reaches that moment. Everything is a bit messy, a mix of moans and sweaty skin against sweaty skin, until they both reach a powerful climax, chanting each other’s name. Sometimes in his mind it’s not even the Doctor and River anymore, and he ends with Alex’s name on his lips.

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