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say your heart is reckless, you've had a few close calls


“Really, Alex, never?”

Alex chuckles, the sound low and deep as it rumbles through her body. The wine has loosened her muscles and she sinks a bit deeper onto the bed, reclining lazily into a mass of pillows as she plays with the label on an empty wine bottle.

“Never,” She confirms, shaking her head once.

Matt’s jaw drops open the same way it had earlier in the evening during their game.

“That is just…” He trails off, shaking his head, “A crime, really, is what it is.”

Alex laughs, smoothing the label of the wine bottle back down as she sets it on the end table next to her. She’s not drunk by any means – and in fact, neither is Matt. Karen and Arthur, though, are. They’re both currently passed out fully clothed in bed together, and Alex can’t help but think how mortified they’ll be when they wake up spooning like they are.

They’re all filming on location and the BBC, ever the spendthrifts, had rented one small two bedroom flat for the four of them to share. Alex and Karen were meant to share one and Matt and Arthur were meant to share the other.

Until Karen had suggested Never Have I Ever as a drinking game and she and Arthur had proceeded to get completely pissed – they’re now passed out in Matt/Arthur’s room, and are entirely too drunk to be woken up and entirely too heavy to be moved.

Matt had valiantly and graciously offered to sleep on the couch, but it was little more than a glorified love seat and as hilarious of a picture as that would have made with his long limbs hanging off the edges in every direction, Alex just couldn’t let him do it.

Which is how they ended up side by side in a smaller-than-average queen sized bed discussing the filming and the game they’d just played.

With anyone else, sharing such close quarters would have had the propensity to be awkward or uncomfortable, but she and Matt had always got on well. They were mates. And as far as that ridiculous attraction she had to him went? Well, she’d just ignore it. As usual. Perhaps a bigger ask now that they’re sharing a bed, but she’d manage. She always did.

“You’re very sweet to care so much, darling,” Alex smiles, turning over on her side to face Matt.

He’s on his back, his head propped on his arm, staring at the ceiling.

“I just… can’t believe no one’s ever done… that for you.” He blinks at the ceiling and his voice sounds a bit sad, but she can’t figure out if that’s all in her head – it must be, she decides, because why would he be sad about her never having experienced that?

That just happens to be the only finger Alex had to put down during the entirety of the game. That just happens to be being woken up by a partner with oral sex.

“Is it really that big of a thing, Matt?” Alex furrows her brow, “That people do?” She asks, curiosity getting the best of her.

She hadn’t realized it was such a big deal – she thought he’d just made a big deal of it during the game because it was the only thing they’d found that she hadn’t done. And it was a largely mundane thing, at that, when compared to what else had been shared during the game

After questioning her a bit about it – no, it wasn’t that she had any particular aversion to it or had consent issues… it simply hadn’t happened with any of her partners – the game moved on, but Matt was quieter than usual for the remainder of the game, clearly deep in thought.

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