“Hello Sweetie.” She said with a smirk across her face – a flirtatious look lingered in her eyes.

“River? Well I didn't know you were going to be joining me tonight.” Matt leant over to give a peck on the cheek before beginning to dish up the lasagne.

“This smells delightful dear, and you look quite ravishing yourself I must say.” Throwing him a quick wink before going to set the table – the shock apparent on her face when she found the job already done. “My my, someone is trying to impress me.”

“When am I not Kingston? C'mon let's eat, I've opened a bottle of Rosé for us to share.” Walking over to join her at the table, he took his seat and waited for her to start eating, she just sat there looking at him. “There was something you wanted to talk about I believe?”

Oh god! Alex thought to herself. Was it too late to back out?...NO! I have to do this.

“Yes Matt, there's something I need to tell you. And it's going to be a big shock to you, you'll probably hate me after you find out and not want to even be friends with me but I can't keep this from you any more.” She took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for the rejection – she'd been rejected a hundred times, why should this hurt her any more than any of those did.

“Just like to say, I'm not ever going to hate you Alex.” He said, putting down his cutlery and looking in to her eyes intently, waiting for her to say something.

“Look, just let me get this out. Don't try to interrupt me 'til I've said my piece, you can react however you like once I'm done but until then, your mouth stays shut.” Matt nodded, prompting her silently to continue. “Matt – I'm in love with you. I have been for a while now but I never had the balls to admit it, even to myself. At first I thought it was just something I'd get over, that if I put it to the back of my mind enough times, it might just go away. But it hasn't and it won't – ever since I first met you the attraction's been there, I don't know when it became more than that but it did. I can't bear to leave again without you knowing this, I know nothing's going to come of this because I know you could never feel the same way but I needed to get this out in the open. I love you Matt.”

Sitting in stunned silence, his mouth agape and no familiar expression on his face. Alex begged him non-verbally to say something, praying that this hadn't ruined their friendship forever. Matt stood up, mouth now shut but still silent – she expected him to walk out and lock himself in his bedroom until she left or to quietly ask her to leave, she'd been through a million scenarios of this moment in her head but his reaction was definitely not the one she had expected. Lifting her swiftly up from the chair in which she sat, his lips collided with hers in a gentle and loving kiss – but she broke away from him quickly, looking in to his eyes with fear coursing through her.

“Alex, what is it? You just said you wanted this, didn't you? Dear god, tell me that wasn't a joke.” He pleaded, keeping a tight grip on her arms as he spoke.

“Matt, if you're looking for a one-night-stand or some meaningless fling then you've come to the wrong woman. I can't do this if you're not in it for the long run – tell me what you want from me.” Finally, in that stupid idiot's head of his, he put two and two together and realized what she was thinking – she thought she was going to get used.

“Alex, I love you. I have since the moment I met you but I never had the guts to say it. People always thought it was just a teenage crush but it's not – it never was. I'm almost thirty and I know what I want. I want you, in my life, everyday, in every meaning of the phrase. Believe me Alex, I'm in love with you.”

The words had barely left his mouth when he felt her lips come in to contact with his once again. Her lips were soft and full against his – her tongue slid sensually along his lower lip, pleading entrance which he gave willingly. His tongue wrested with hers, he could taste the sweet flavour of her and it only made him want her more. He could feel his desire making itself known, becoming visible in the tight trousers he had regrettably opted to wear.

When Alex saw his rather distinguished member she giggled, pulling him by the hand towards his bedroom.

“You naughty girl, Miss Kingston.”

“I can behave if you like, but where's the fun in that?” She questioned, tugging through the door and pinning him up against the bed. It didn't take long for her to strip him down to just his underwear, his clothes laid in a pile on the floor. Matt flipped them over so she was underneath him and pushed her back on the bed, determined to level out the playing field.

He tore her shirt over her head before taking a moment to process the beauty he was seeing – she was wearing a lacy black bra and her breasts were practically bulging out of it. Beginning to make his way slowly towards them, he kissed her lips, moving towards her jaw, continuing down her neck and chest before coming in to contact with the wonderful bust in front of him.

Quickly reaching behind her back, he unhooked the fastening and began to lavish her bare breasts with kisses. He latched on to a rosy peak and sucked on it, a pleasured moan escaped her lips and she arched into him. Rolling the other pebbled nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he laughed warmly against her skin. Matt moved further down, planting a kiss on every inch of skin, until he reached her skirt - dipping his fingers under the waistband.

Alex's underwear was already wet through with her arousal, when his fingers slid gently over them she thought she was about to explode there and then. Whimpering helplessly under his touch, she tried to wait patiently as he teased her but it became too much and she reached her hand down to cover his and guide it through gritted teeth.

Matt sniggered before pulling off her skirt and underwear, keeping his hand exactly where she wanted it. Alex pulled him up to her and kissed him, deeply and passionately on the lips, she ground against his hardened member and reached her hand down between them to grab him. All the smugness and the teasing disappeared from Matt's face – there was nothing but pure lust in it's place, he whimpered quietly whilst biting his lip.

Neither of them were willing to wait, they'd spent years dancing around each other – there was no time for foreplay now so she elegantly – in one swift movement – sank down on top of him and he was inside of her while she was ll around him. Their rhythm was frenzied and desperate, Alex's hands mussed his hair as she angled herself to reach that spot inside her which could destroy her instantly.

“Come love, do it for me – I want to watch you.” He whispered in to her ear sensually, encouraging her with little comments on her beauty and how much she meant to him. She was seconds away and she could feel it but she held on for his sake, shaking her head gently. Leaning close to her ear until her lips were almost touching the lobe, when she breathed out:

“Together, or not at all.” He smirked before pecking her cheek then thrusting in to her, striking her core hard enough to send them both over the edge – and it did. She cried out in ecstasy as he moaned silently, resting his cheek in her hair as he tried to maintain his breathing – that was THE best sex either of them had ever experienced.

He held her to him as she rode out the aftershocks and hummed softly against his chest, Matt felt her lips turn up in to a smile against his skin before looking up at him. She slid to the side of him, laying on her side with her hand still resting on his hip.

Both of them smiled at one another, this was the start of something amazing – and this was an opportunity that neither of them wanted to miss.

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