She smiled up at him, noticing he seemed a bit uneasy. It was peculiar, being back, being part of the crew for one more time. So familiar yet so strange. Would she ever know when to put River behind herself?

To Matt she said, good humoured:

‘Unless you walk very, very slowly, dear.’

‘Nah, see. Funny, right. But. See, Steven told me we ought to… feel them. See what they would do. So? How do you think they’d react to each other? After Trenzalore. Do you think they’d just, they’d just be glad? It’s not that difficult to understand why my Doctor decides to go back to her but – can they?‘

Matt scratched his head, almost putting his wig out of place. ‘You know he sometimes does things without thinking them through.' Alex shrugged, thought about it, looked at Matt quietly and then, just like that, her features changed.

‘Your hair looks ridiculous, but I like the purple coat. Suits you. Forgot to mention that the last time we met. It was a busy day‘, she sighed and nestled at his bow tie. He relaxed, catching up on the mood.

‘Don’t tell me you’re not surprised at all to find me here, because I can tell you’re not. No more need for spoilers.‘

‘Well. I might have had an encounter with a charming, not so shy, grey-haired man who looked more mature than and not as baby-faced as you…once…or twice…or…‘

He sighed and put his wig into danger again with his hilarious fingers.

‘Grey? G-R-E-Y? As in: not ginger? Not a slight red shimmer to it?’

She shook her head, stepped a little closer, straightened his jacket and hummed:

‘He has a Scottish…tongue…as well. Bit rude, but intriguing. He’ll be fine.‘

He let slip a shocked ‘River!’ but failed at hiding his amusement. ‘Scottish, hm? Scottish.‘

Snorting softly, she let her hands fall from his chest to her sides and whispered, sounding steady but not as steady as River would usually be:

‘So you’re finally here. Ready for this?‘                                                                                          

‘Not in the slightest‘, he answered.

They looked at each other challengingly until they were called to shoot the scene.

‘That would leave us a bit of time to…you know… do Doctor-River things‘, Matt mumbled cheerfully while they were on their way and Alex felt the familiar unwelcome but not-as-unwelcome-as-she-would-like-it-to-be tingle in her belly.

‘Don’t overthink so much, Matt. You’ve been the Doctor for years, you know how he is. I know River. Sort of. I’m sure we’ll think of something. Ah, this is really a bit stand-up, isn’t it‘, she replied as lightly as she could, patting his back understandingly before he left to stand on his X on the other side of the green screen.

She tried to focus on what she was going to say and tried breathing her anxiety away. ‘Doctor-River-things‘. He did not seem as confident today as he usually were, did he. He seemed somewhat awkward and slightly troubled. Where was the young charming man cracking a smile at her, exclaiming ‘And I you, Miss Kingston!’? What was wrong? And why did she feel so disappointed? She used to enjoy their flirting and she had missed it.

It was obvious – to her in any case – although she had hoped she had come to terms with it by now. She felt pathetic, but she couldn’t help it. What had she been supposed to do? He was Matt.

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