50- "Playful yet a Loving person."

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"Plan B?" I raised a brow. "Does this look like a child's game to you?" I crossed my arms.

"Just chill yaar (pal). I know how serious it is," He soothed me and nodded, motioning him to go on.

“Hmm-” He said and paced left and right as he started speaking up. “First let me you ask this, is there anyone in your family or neighborhood who might have a slightly different opinion of Raghav. Someone who thinks the same as us.”

“I agree, not everybody has the same opinion. They either think good of him or are just plain neutral while a few others don’t even know him that well. Sorry to say but there isn't anyone who qualifies your statement,” I said giving him a sarcastic smile. Suddenly, Rashi crossed my mind. She might have lent me a helping hand if she wouldn’t have been Raghav’s sister. I recalled how she used to look forward to being my sister-in-law. I’m sorry Rashi but it’s just not meant to be.

“What about your Grandma? Didn't you ask for her help?” Jamie asked bringing me back from my thoughts.

“I already thought about that before. She could have been a great help to me but she's really old now. It will only make her blood pressure rise if she gets involve in this mess. She's already weak and sick enough. Even my parents haven't told her anything about this. I just can't bother-" I dropped my voice low getting worried about her. 

"Alright, cut that option out. I understand. Can't you make anyone convince?" 

"I wasn't able to convince my own parents, how can I bring an outsider to this? They couldn't bother less," I shrugged.

"Tch!" He spat and shifted his gaze at me with his brows creased. "Then make them believe that Raghav isn't the person they thought him to be. Bring them to your side. You're not even trying hard enough. Are you sure you want to do this?" He exasperated.

"You think I'm not trying," I snapped. "Do you know much I had to put up with my parents for the past two days? It's because I convinced them that they allowed you inside. Don't vent your anger on me just because this isn't working. I want to end this more than anyone, you know," My voice croaked, feeling hurtful by his words.

Jamie placed his hand on my shoulders and brought his face a little close to me, making me conscious of him. "Sorry, I lost my cool for a moment there. I didn't mean it," He said in a deep voice. I nodded saying that it's okay. We stood like that, for a while until he distanced himself hesitantly breaking that small moment.

"Look, I just wanted to say that there must be someone else besides your Grandma who favors you. Any person who is willing to go against your marriage. Better if it's an elder person because they will know how to tackle this situation. Is there not a single one who could be our ally?" He asked as he looked at me in the eye for confirmation.

I diverted my gaze looking at anywhere else but him. What the... He's making me self conscious. I should focus on the situation rather than him. But damn, he's looking really cute in his black and gray sweatshirt today. I shook my head at my stupidity.

"What happened?" He asked suddenly and I turned around to hide my embarrassed face.

"Nothing, nothing," I laughed nervously. I managed to clear my head and thought about what he had said. Someone who favors me? There was one person that came to my mind but I wasn't sure. I speak up anyway. "There is one."

"Good. Who is it?" His eyes lit up with hope.

"She's my close relative," I said smiling while thinking about her. "She lives in Chandigarh."

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