46- "Unexpected Encounters."

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Things got busy as soon as we reached Delhi. The preparation for Lynda's marriage was in full swing. Before her big day, small rituals (rasam) like ladies sangeet (singing), haldi rasam were performed. There was a big hype going on about the marriage among the relatives which is of course normal. Everything was going well.

Ashima and Zen were staying in their own respective houses while Jamie and I were staying at Lynda's place. Her house was already packed up with relatives so the scene was kind of noisy there. 

"Lynda, aren't you coming for a walk?" I asked after we had our dinner. 

"Nah, you guys go. I'm sleeping." She said while yawning and laid down in her bed.

"But it's only 9:30. Well, whatever." I shrugged. I peeked into her room after  a minute to see if in case she was pretending but she wasn't. She was fast asleep. I guess it's understandable. Maybe, I was only assuming things.

"So Lynn isn't coming eh!?" Jamie said when I accompanied him outside. In the end it was just Jamie and me, taking a walk. Lynda's apartment was in a complex which was big and green due to trees and gardens so it was safe. We finally talked today although none of us mentioned about that evening at the beach. It was like it never happened.

We started talking about what places we visited previously. I told him about my Ooty trip with my family.

Jamie looked at the sky and I noticed his expression changing. "We went to a trip too, three months ago." He said with a small smile.

"Oh, you and Andrew huh?" I stated the obvious.

"No-" He rubbed his nose with his finger. "Our whole family."

"Really?" My eyes lit up. "That's great. Did you enjoy?" I asked. I know how much he and Andrew dreaded going on a trip along with their parents so that they could spend some time together.

"Yes, I certainly did. It was all very sudden. Mom just came to us one day and said she has booked tickets for Queenstown and that Dad will come with us too. We didn't believe it at first but she confirmed it. We spend five days. It was so exciting. I and Andrew were surprised to see Mom and Dad who weren't arguing like before. We visited many places, had adventures, ate lots of food, clicked photos and talked. It was a sight I always yearned to see. For once, I felt like we were a normal family after so many years. Those five days were special to me. I'll always remember it." Jamie said nostalgically. I was happy to hear that but for some reason he had a sad expression on his face which made me anxious.

"Did... did something happened afterwards?" I asked wishing he would say no.

Jamie looked on the ground, his face growing serious all of a sudden. "On our fifth day, they announced that they'll be getting a divorce in the near future." He sighed. "I should have known. No wonder everything looked so perfect when it wasn't. They just wanted to make sure they did their deed before bringing this news to us."

A lump formed in my throat. "I'm so sorry to hear that. I didn't knew." I said with emotion. No wonder he looked uncomfortable when I asked him about his parents back then.

"You don't have to be. I always thought that this day would come. They had filed a divorce years ago but didn't go through it because of me. I think they chose this time since Andrew and I are grown up now. In a way they were holding back for Andrew, waiting for him to get into college, so that they can finally do what they always wanted to do. That vacation was like a parting gift from them." He said.

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