43- "A glimpse of the truth."

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"Wake up princess!!"

"What... Noo~ is it morning?"

"Yes, it is. Now wake up otherwise I'll start singing a song." Raghav said through the phone in a sing-sang voice and I blinked my eyes, waking up finally.

"Alright! Give me a sec." I mumbled while yawning. If I won't wake up then this devil would start singing one of those English songs that includes lots of shouting and yelling at the top of their voices. It wasn't like his voice was bad because it isn't. But I dreaded the idea of him singing those kind of songs because he was never able to pull it off. I wouldn't even recognize that song anymore.

After stretching my body a little, I got up from my bed and checked the time on my phone. It was 7:20 am. "Hey, I just remembered. You aren't supposed to be waking me up today. There was no need. Urgh! You spoiled my sleep, Raghav." I groaned in frustration.

Actually, I appointed Raghav to be my personal alarm clock, if in case I needed to wake up early for work or anything else. I have a very good reason for that. First of all, I was a very good sleeper to the point that alarm ringtones usually never worked on me. I mean, I would wake up by their sound but then I would revert back to sleep. Hearing Raghav's voice first thing in the morning actually did the deed for me and with his lousy singing, it was perfect. My body would go in a state of temporary shock and I would wake up immediately. Also, I told him specifically to call me princess. He might take that as a romantic gesture but only I know that it has the exact opposite effect on me. 'I'm so evil haha!'

"Why are you laughing?" Raghav asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. Is he still on the line? I rolled my eyes.

"Ah nothing. I just remembered something from yesterday." I lied. "By the way, don't you have office to go to?" I asked hoping for him to end the call.

"I still have time. Well, since you've already woken up, let's talk for a little while." He suggested. No, not again!

"Okay! But not more than ten minutes." I said bluntly as I settled down on my bed again and plugged on my earphones.

"Don't be so hard on me. We haven't really talked for a while, you know. So tell me how are things on your side?" He started asking and thus we talked for a while. Well I did say for a while but he extended for about thirty minutes till I had to excuse myself to end the call.

I have no problem talking to him but I don't feel like talking on phone first thing in the morning when I haven't even brushed my teeth. My throat hurts because of it.

I got ready in an hour and went downstairs to have breakfast. I wanted to see Lynda but she was still busy with her family and in-laws. Ashima wasn't an option either. I noticed that she hasn't been that civil with me since we met again. I guess she's still mad about me not staying in contact with her frequently. In a way, I don't blame her. Being here made me feel out of place. If it weren't for Lynda's hospitality, I wouldn't have even considered coming here.

Eventually Lynda came along with few of her relatives. The engagement would be held in the main hall of the hotel I was staying at. I noticed that she was starting to get nervous and tensed but all of us assured her that it would be just fine.

"Uh, can you guys do me a favor?" Lynda asked making an apologetic face.

"Yeah sure." Ashima beamed.

"Actually my family is going to do a small puja (prayer) so I'll be gone for an hour or more except my Masi (Mother's elder sister). The hotel management is already preparing for the decorations and catering. So I just want you guys to watch over here for a little while. If it isn't much of a bother that is." She said hesitantly looking down.

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