26- "I can trust you, right?"

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"OMG!" Martha exclaimed as she looked out from the window of our room. My other fellow roommate followed her and had the same reaction.

"What's the fuss all about?" I asked while standing in front of the mirror, combing my hair.

"Mornin' Jamie." Martha shouted from the window and I dropped my comb in shock. I rushed towards the window and there he was sitting on his motorbike. His lips turned into a lop sided smile as soon as his eyes met mine. It was hard to see him clearly due to the slight fog surrounding the area. Then suddenly his eyes grew wide at something and he quickly stepped aside. I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw the landlady as she got inside the car and went away without suspecting anything.

"Mornin' sunshine. Thought I'd give you a ride, have a change of pace. Now come down quickly and no need to do your makeup. You're looking good as it is." He said in the phone and I tried to stifle back a smile. I said okay and got ready as quickly as possible. To my disappointment my roomies followed along to meet this eccentric boyfriend of mine.

The fog almost covered the road where I was walking on and it was only when I approached him at a distance, I was able to see him clearly. He was wearing a dark green hoodie today, his hair all messy in a sexy kind of way.

"It's chilling today." I said rubbing my palms.

"If you want you can take my jacket. I'm not feeling-" He said and stopped in mid way when he was surrounded by none other than my idiotic roomies. Damn!

"That's so considerate Mr Ayu's boyfriend. We heard a lot about you." Ayesha said in a flirty voice.

"Well, what can I say? It's my duty as a boyfriend. We are made to please. What's your name, pretty one?" He said in a husky voice, acting along while I stood there trying not to lay my hand on either of them.

"It's Ayesha." She smiled and they shook hands. For a second, I thought that he wouldn't waste his time on them but who was I kidding? How could I forget the fact that he was a born womanizer?

"And I'm Sweta. Nice to meet you Jamie." Sweta chimed. He smiled back and shook hands with her, obviously enjoying their company as they all kept on sweet talking.

"Uh-oh! Looks like someone is in a bad mood today." Martha giggled as she looked back at me and I glared at her.

"I hope you haven't forgotten your purpose of coming here or do I have to remind you that your girlfriend waiting for you, all alone?" I threatened him through my gritted teeth.

"Of course I didn't." He sighed. "Sorry girls, looks like we have to part ways from here. Duty calls." He said pointing over to me.

"Too bad." Martha said. I hopped on behind Jamie and adjusted my bag. We were about to go when Ayesha approached us, standing next to him.

"If you ever get tired of this old hag, you know where to find me." She winked.

"You bitch."  I mouthed towards her.

"Hearing that makes me so happy. I'll keep that in mind." He smirked while placing his hand on hers. I dropped my jaw in shock.

"I think you're too preoccupied right now so why don't I just go with the train as usual?" I said smiling sarcastically. I think Jamie sensed my anger there and quickly pushed the gear of his bike stopping me from getting off. "Until next time, take care everyone." He waved his hand at my despicable roomies.

"Alright, I'm sorry. I was only teasing you, now please stop sulking." He pleaded as we passed by the foggy roads.

"It didn't looked that way to me. Infact you seemed to be quite enjoying yourself." I pouted.

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