18- "Their farewell."

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Sorry for the wait here it is. Note: Before reading this chapter make sure that you've read the 'Special Chapter' I posted 3 days ago since it's related to this one. Enjoy. ^ ^

"I don't think, the teacher is gonna show up today." Jamie whined while checking the time on his phone.

"Yeah." Zen hushed.

"That reminds me. Can you give me your assignment? I'll give it back tomorrow," Jamie said while ruffling through the pages of his register.


Jamie looked up at his friend suspiciously. "Zen, are you bisexual?"

"Yeah... Hell NOO!" Zen raised his voice in realization, only to get laughed at by Jamie. "You really fell for it, what's wrong with you?"

"Well..." Zen let out a sigh and told him.

"So your ex is trying to get you back. What's wrong with that? Just go and claim her already." Jamie shrugged.

"You've got the wrong idea. There's no possible way that we can get back in this life. Zoya simply wants to see me. That's what she messaged me." 

"Okay! Not that I'm interested but what does she look like?" Jamie asked.

"Um, she's slim, has fair skin, long hair reaching by her waist and-" Zen began to describe.

"Does she has a mole near one of her eyes?" Jamie interrupted, his voice tensed.

"Yeah, but how did you know?" Zen asked shocked.

"Fuck! Zen hurry up and come with me." Jamie froze and stood up while Zen followed him. They ran towards the main gate of the college but unfortunately no one was there.

"Shit, we missed her. I came to college late today and saw her standing right here. Of course I didn't know who she was so I never bothered." Jamie said putting his hand on his forehead.

"I can't believe this. For Zoya to come all the way. Why is she so desperate to meet me?" Zen said more to himself.

"You didn't ask?"

"I'm ignoring her calls, dude."

"That's rude." Jamie pointed out.

"I know, but..."

"It's not like you'll end up in jail by attending her call." He said sarcastically.

"You won't understand, Jamie. The peaceful life I'm leading right now... it took me a long time to come here. I can't possibly look back at that one thing that connects to the past I left behind." Even though Zen said that a part of him desperately wanted to go and see her again.


Next day Zen came to the class looking even gloomier than before.

"Now what?!" Jamie complained. "If you're not meeting her fine, at least stop making that miserable face first thing in the morning." he smacked his head.

"Ow, if only she hadn't come here yesterday." Zen muttered, looking at him helplessly. "Jamie, she.... she's gonna get engaged."

“What?!” Now Jamie had no idea what to say to him. The two of them remained silent for the rest of the class.

"So what are you gonna do?" Ashima enquired during the recess. The girls came to know about his situation from Jamie.

"If I knew, I wouldn't be moping here right now and I only have a week to decide." Zen said, running his hand through his hair.

"Why is that?" Ayu asked.

"She's shifting to Bangalore next week. Their parents built a big new house over there I heard." 

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