21- "Wavering Feelings."

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"Did you missed me girls? I'm back." Jamie announced as he made his flashy appearance in the 'Indian Society and Community' class this morning.

"Oh hi Jamie! So you're okay now. Hey, I like the nail paint you're wearing, Lynda. Can you lend me?" Ashima said quickly before turning to Lynda, examining her dark purple nail paint.

"Sure. I'll bring it tomorrow." Lynda replied smiling. I think she was finally enjoying being in our company. She was a nice girl, once someone gets to know her. Except for her blunt mouth that is.

"Hey, I was going to try that." I protested and argued on who should wear that nail paint. I took a quick glance at Jamie who got disappointed since none of us were paying attention to him. "You deserve it."

After class.

"You are wearing a new shirt today. Any special occasion?" Lynda asked Jamie. She is right. He was wearing half black, half gray shirt I've never seen before.

"Yes, you see I'm going to impress someone today." He smugged. "I'm single after all."

"I see." I said and approached him. "Just a suggestion, white suits you better and also-" I said and fixed his collar by making it stand up a bit. "Better."

"T-thanks." He stammered and I looked up making a 'what?' expression.

"So ironic, huh Jamie?" Zen chuckled and Jamie shot a threatening look as if to sush him up.

"Care to enlighten us?" I eyed at Zen suspiciously.

"Ask him first." Zen said laughing shamelessly.

After classes, I went home by train as usual. I was on the station when I recieved a message from Jamie.

Him: That green scarf doesn't suit you, miss sunshine. Stop wearing it. :p

How did he know that? I only took out my scarf a minute ago since the weather was getting cold. I looked around but couldn't spot him.

Me: You're the one to talk, Mr. Stalker.

Him: Then allow this stalker to accompany you. ;)
Look behind.

I did just that and saw him grinning at me. I couldn't help but smile back.

He said he just happened to see me. Our classes must have ended at the same time I guess. Luckily, we got our seats today since it wasn't evening which is the peak time for the trains to get crowded.

"So what you will have for dinner?" I asked out of nowhere.

"I haven't decided yet. Maybe I'll order something." He said, looking up.

"I was so right."

"About what?"

I sighed. "You don't actually take care of your health, do you? I'm sure you just gobble up junk food or order most of the time."

"Not always. I do prepare dinner. I'm just not up to it sometimes. "

"Oh, really? Then why didn't I find any vegetable or even pulses in your kitchen. I guess it's understandable since you went to Australia. How about now? I bet if I go to your place right now, it would be in the same condition as last time. Am I right or am I not?" I raised my voice a little. Like a deer caught in the headlights, he looked away.

"Now, listen! You will get off from the station and go to the convenient store to buy food items before heading home. Do you get me?" I ordered.

"What are you, my mother? Even my mom doesn't do that."

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