16- "We're busted."

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"Welcome back, everyone. How was your vacation? I had a boring one, so don't bother asking" Ashima announced to everyone. The normal group members were all sitting on the grass, having their first lunch after summer vacation.

"If you meant staying at home and sleeping, then I had a great vacation." Replied Zen.

"You're so boring, Zen. What about- what are you two doing?" Ashima asked, turning over to Jamie and Lynda, who seemed to be busy doing something on their phones.

"Not fair! I was supposed to win. I didn't have enough time to play. I demand a rematch." Jamie whined.

"Demand rejected. Now, give me those CD's as promised." Lynda said in a business-like way, extending her hand to him. Jamie's head hung low as he admitted defeat and handed over the CD's to her.

"What's going on?" Ashima demanded an explanation.

"Lynda and I made a bet to see who could score more points on the DOTA 2 game. As you can see, the winner is receiving three games from the loser." Jamie sighed while Lynda made a victory sign. Then, Jamie turned to Ayu and asked how her vacation went, but was instead met with a glare. Taken aback, Jamie asked Ashima what was wrong.

"She's angry at you." Ashima answered, nonchalantly.

"Why?" Jamie asked, totally clueless.

"Ask her yourself."

It was only after classes got over when Jamie confronted Ayu, since she seemed to be ignoring him the whole time.

"You ignored my messages during the summer vacation so I'm returning the favor."

"Well, uh... we did message one time right? Sorry, I was busy." Jamie said, avoiding her gaze.

"Only to reply to my WhatsApp status. Acha, so you talked to Zen and everyone else, but you were too busy for me?" She asked bluntly, placing her hands on her hips. Jamie could see that she was angry.

I guess I just wanted to distance away from you for a while, dunno why, he thought, but didn't voice out loud. "Yeah, I could have messaged you but... I had a lot going on there. Sorry." Jamie rubbed his head.

"Fine, let it be." Ayu said, thinking she was over-reacting as well.

"Although, you have horrible timing, Ayu."

"Why? Were you busy at the time?" She asked, tilting her head to one side.

"Very busy." He smirked to himself. Ayu decided to ignore that.

"How were your holidays, then? What about the problem you were having?" She asked hesitantly, not sure if it was the right time to ask, but she wanted to know.

"Ah, that! Don't worry, it's fine now. My father won't bother me for a while." He said, raising a thumbs up. Ayu was going to ask further when her phone beeped.

"Gotta go, Alex is waiting for me." She beamed.

"That Alexandria. You're still dating him?" His eyes widened in mock surprise.

"Of course I am, and stop calling him Alexandria. You know-" Ayu said, inching a little closer to him. "I made up an excuse and came to Delhi three days earlier, just to spend some special time with Alex. I had a fantastic weekend."

"Special, huh? Ah, I can see how special it was from the way you're blushing. Did you have sex with him or what?"

"Geez, Jamie! You aren't supposed to ask these questions! It's private." She poked his head, her face scarlet red.

He let out a chuckle. "Just look at yourself. Good for you. By the way, you're not the only one who had a fantastic time."

"Huh, whats that supposedto mean?" Her eyes grew wide with realization. "Did you also...?"

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