19- "I'm here."

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It had been one year and four months since I've been together with Alex, without including the time when we broke up for forty two days. (Yeah I've counted them)  I came to learn how it was like to be in a real relationship. There were times when he made me feel lucky and special yet there were tough times too, but we made it. I gradually came to love him.

As I said, there were good and bad times in a relationship and this time it was the latter. Something had been bothering him lately. I realized when he started to ignore my calls and delayed our dates. He wasn't into us these days. I tried to get him to tell me several times but he just wouldn't, which only led to arguments. I get I wouldn't be able to solve his problems but atleast I could help him out a little. Couldn't he see that this was affecting our relationship? Was I not worth knowing anything at all?

Today, I was standing in front of a movie hall waiting for him. It's already been an hour since I arrived here and we've already half an hour of the movie. I did call him earlier and he said he was on his way. Atleast it was better than the previous time when he stood me up and I was left alone, waiting.

It wasn't long when I saw him getting out of the taxi and running in my direction. "Sorry to keep you waiting. My alarm clock failed to wake me up."

"Fuck your alarm clock. He had no idea that I had to wait fifty minutes for him."

"I'm really sorry, Ayu."

"It's okay. I'm not that mad. Let's hurry before we miss out even more, okay."

After the movie, we went to a nearby open restaurant to fill our stomachs.

"It was an average movie. Some of its jokes were cliched, don't you think?" I talked about the movie.

"But I liked it. Especially the second half where all those gangsters stumbled across nowhere. That part was so funny, I swear."

"Yeah I guess that scene was an exception," I lied forcing myself to laugh while he laughed along with me. That was the most boring part. Atleast I got to see him laugh, I smiled.

Everything was going good so far. Alex looked calm and composed like he used to be before. I guess his problem was resolved. Perhaps I should confirm. "About that problem you were having... It's resolved right?"

"Not yet," he answered, continuing his lunch. 

"But you said it will be over soon, right. What happened?" I asked, disappointment evident on my face.

"Things like this take time, Ayu. It's not in my hands Ayu."

I didn't interrogate him further. All I knew was it was related to borrowed money. 

We finished our lunch, savoring the food in silence. The waiter placed the bill receipt in front of our table. Immediately, I fished out the money from my purse.

"Isn't it my turn to pay today?" Alex raised his brow.

"Yes, but you are dealing with your problems, right? No worries, I can pay for today. Just save your part."

"I appreciate your concern but there's no need. A mere bill won't make up for it anyway."

"But Alex, if you don't even save up a little then-"

"It's my problem, Ayu. Why don't you understand? Just let me pay," he said, his tone arrogant. I didn't feel like arguing over something trivial, so I let him have his way.

When I suggested going to a nearby garden next, he declined. We resume to walk along the sidewalk enjoying the sight of trees covering the sunlight above. His phone would ring from time to time but he didn't answer and later switched-off his phone.

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