29- "Our night with alcohol."

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Okay! So this is more like a filler chapter but I hope you will enjoy it nonethless.


It was fifteen of March yet again. I had turned nineteen this year. It feels so bad to add your age. The fact that I'll be in the twenties next year only makes it more depressing. Right now I was seated in the canteen along with others. Unlike last year I only took the trouble of inviting a few of my friends. I was finished with the treat so all my other friends had made their leave except Zen, Jamie, Ashima and Lynda.

"So what's your plan this time?" asked Ashima.

"Nothing much. I didn't made any plans this year." I said. I recalled how Alex took me to a boating place and we had a wonderful time. Birthdays tend to bring back many memories of my past, the good ones that is. It's funny how life enters a transition with time and we never realize when we made it that far. It's almost sad.

"Come on Ashima. Crack your head a little." said Zen and then faced me. "I think you should rephrase the question as to what these two love birds are planning today?" he mocked.

"Right on the mark Zen." Ashima giggled. "It's so strange Ayu. Just last year you were with Alex, this year it's Jamie. I wonder who the mystery guy will be next year."

"Bad joke Ash. Obviously it will be Jamie. Even the year and a year after that." I confessed while blushing.

"Oh well, I'm honored my lady." Jamie said in a gentlemanly way. "So where do you want to go?" he tried to ask casually.

"Nowhere in particular." I said trying to suppress my smile. Actually Jamie and I had already planned something but we aren't going to disclose in front of them yet. The three of them looked at us suspiciously.

"I know what they are planning to do." Lynda said with a naughty smile forming on her lips. "She's gonna get pregnant by her boyfriend tonight." she said making my jaw drop while others started laughing even Jamie. This...this girl. Will she ever stop?

"That joke was on you too." I pulled Jamie's ear.

"Yikes! Sorry I couldn't help it." he said. "I wonder Lynda if you did anything like that on your birthday."

"I don't have a boyfriend." she stated.

"Don't forget to wear protection man." Zen advised him. Now it was Jamie turn to get shocked.

"You do have it don't you? Don't get over excited okay." Ashima winked at him.

"Okay, you guys are taking this too far. It amazes me at how openly you can talk about this. Don't you have any shame." he accuses them only to make them laugh harder.

"It's because you guys are our own friends." Lynda smiled.


"You go and get changed." Jamie said with a smile. I was beginning to feel excited as well. It was late evening and we were in his apartment right now. I went to the bathroom to try on this new one piece dress he gifted me today. I must admit his choice wasn't bad. It was a multicolor, a combination of red and yellow.

"Isn't this a b-bit too short?" I asked nervously while making an effort to elongate the length of my dress. Not only it reached above my knees but it was backless as well.

"Step out from the bathroom already. I can't even see you." he said already approaching me and started examining me with his eyes. "I swear you.. you look so delicious right now." he smirked. This pervert! He purchased this so that he can view my legs to his liking.

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