32- "Guilty"

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'I bet he would be surprised' I smiled to myself as I waited outside the international airport, waiting for him to arrive. He did informed me when he got on the flight so according to my calculation, he should be here any minute now.

"You're full of surprises Ayu." he said after we made our way inside the taxi. I stole a glance at him. There were traces of facial hair around the lower part of his face making him look more rough than before. This surprised me because normally he would prefer clean shave on himself but whatever, it's not like I'm complaining. He actually looks more sexier this way.

"So what took you so long? College has started you know, it's already been five days." I asked.

"Oh you know, Dad's work kept me busy." he said with a slight hesitation in his voice.

"Okay!" I said and leaned on his shoulders while interwining his fingers on mine. "I really missed you. It's a pain that you have to live so far away from me." I admitted and it's not even about different states. This distance hurts me. I wonder how we will manage after college?

"I missed you too." he said in a low voice and kissed my head. I looked into his dark eyes showing sorrow.

"Ah! Look at me getting all gloomy. So did you bring any souvenir for me?" I acted all cheerful trying to change the topic.

"No?" he frowned. "You never requested me to bring any. Not my fault." he shrugged.

"Not fair. You should have figured it out yourself." I pouted.

"I'm not a psychic Ayu." he laughed. Thank God! For a moment he seemed to be a little more gloomy than before.

"Uhh!...?" I stood in front of his living room somewhat dumbfounded.

"What? Is something wrong?" he asked completely clueless as to what I was trying to hint. "Well I'll go freshen up myself. It's been a long journey after all." he sighed.

"Yeah sure. Listen, I think we should order a pizza. Whatcha say?" I asked.

"Sounds good." he gave a faint smile and went inside his bathroom.

Would it been the Jamie I know, we would be having a hot make out session by now to the point of leaving his empty room to shame. I know this because he always does that or atleast gives a kiss whenever we return from college or if it's been a long time. It's not like I'm dying to kiss him because we've done that a thousand times but come on it's been freaking more than two months since we saw each other, a little peck wouldn't hurt, would it? He didn't even bothered to take a second glance at me. Urgh! I feel like an idiot now. Just look at me overthinking to myself.

Afterwards we made ourselves comfortable on his bed eating pizza while talking about our summer vacations.

"So you bought a new mobile huh!" I said as I looked over at the new Samsung Galaxy model Neo. A small smiled formed at my face.

"So Mr James... how much did you drink in that party? You must have stayed awake all night. Tell me what crazy things did you and your friends do? I'm curious to know." I asked trying to stifle back a laugh.

I watched his face drop and his body tense as if I had asked him the most ugliest question. Now I'm more curious. What crazy things did they do?

"Uhh! Nothing much... we just danced and played games, the usual. I'll tell you afterwards. You should... you should go now, it's already getting late and besides I'm feeling sleepy." He said in a hurry while tease dragging me towards the door.

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