7- "Yet again."

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                                                                 PART 2                           


"Man! What took you so long Sarah?" I said while standing outside the dressing room in a certain mall. 

"Jeez! Jamie, I just came here right after school. Have some patience will ya?" She complains and takes one last look in the mirror.

"Okay... Wait." I stand behind her and to her surprise I place a pink hair band neatly on her head. In the mirror, I can see her blush while I adjust the strands of her hair with my fingers. A smile forms on my face, and I grin at her. "There, cute as always. Now let's go. The movie is about to start." 

We hold hands while walking outside the mall welcoming the bright rays of the sun to our faces. I turn around and notice her staring at me endlessly. But it was cute though.

"What?" I say, whilst trying to hide my smile.

"Don't 'what' me. Do I need permission to look at you now?" She tilts her head to one side playfully.

"Of course not." I laugh. Great! I look good today then. 

"Thanks Jamie." She says shyly, "For the hair band."

"Don't mention it, baby." I say and pull her cheeks while she pretends to scream.

It's been two months since I started dating Sarah. I was a little skeptical about it first but it turned out to be fine. I enjoy being around her and she's damn cute. It's not just her face but her nature too. 

This past month I've been busy with practicals and exams. I finally get a fresh breath of air. A whole semester has passed. Time sure flies quickly. So much happened in these past few months, I wonder how the rest of my college years will go.


“We’ve already missed three classes Jamie, we should at least attend this one, otherwise our names will be removed.” insisted Zen.

“You’re such a wimp Zen. Stop worrying about things like that.”

Speaking of a new semester, I have to choose an extra subject, which is compulsory. Earlier Zen and I were looking through various subjects available and eventually chose this one, World History. It is not related to our field of study but the timings are suitable. Plus the classes will only be held twice a week.

We go into the class and take our seats. The teacher starts lecturing as usual and I zone out immediately.

“Man this is such a pain in the ass.” I yawn as I place my hand on the desk and lean on it. I’m sitting on the last row in the classroom with Zen and another classmate of mine. The teacher is a middle aged woman, and is speaking about something related to wars and forts from the mid 17 th century. Zen and Ujwal (our classmate) are busy scanning the room for hot girls in our class while I'm here dozing off. To be honest, the only reason I chose this subject is because a senior told me that they will take students to trips in forts and ancient places. It seemed interesting, but now I’m having second doubts about this.

“Look Jamie, how about that one?” Ujwal pointed out to a girl sitting in the front row, trying to divert my attention.

“Give him a break man; he’s got a girlfriend now.” Zen says to the classmate mocking me. The bastard.

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