31- "Goodbye Lau."

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"Bro, wake up. How long are you going to sleep in my fucking house?" Akira said grumpily trying to shake me up. Ugh, his voice kept banging on my ears like drums. My head felt like it was about to burst. I thought I would feel better after I puked a while ago but I was wrong.

"Stop bothering me, you pest. Let me sleep." I mumbled sheepishly.

"It's freaking 11 AM." I heard him say along with the sound of his foot steps fading away. Good! I fell back to sleep only to felt a sharp jolt of someone's leg on my back minutes later, making my body fall out of my bed.

"What the hell?!" I grumbled while putting my hand on my head, trying to numb the pain. 

"Here-" Neal came and gave me a tablet of aspirin along with a glass of water. I mumbled a small thanks and swallowed the medicine. 

"You look like a mess. Where were you last night? You suddenly disappeared during the game." Neal enquired, giving a suspicious look.

"Get a clue, man. That blonde wasn't seen either. In the end, it was worth it, wasn't it? You should-" 

"Akira!" I scowled. Him already saying that was inflicting salt in my wound. Neal shot me a sympathetic look. I guess he kind of understood what I meant since he seemed to be whispering something to Akira. He let out a sigh.

"Fine, get ready and come downstairs. We have scrambled eggs, milk, muffins and veg sandwich for today. Do you want anything else?" Akira asked, a little nicely this time.

"No thanks. Be there in twenty minutes." I spoke curtly, while peering over to some of his spare clothes to wear from his cupboard. They made their exit.


I admit I felt better after filling my stomach with healthy food. Only physically though. 

"Oh, my! It's so good to see you Jamie, dear." Akira's mother greeted as she saw me and came for a bear hug. She was a stout Australian woman in her late forties, wearing a classy gown.

"Good morning, Mrs Stanford. It's good to see you too." I hugged her back. Even though she was a busy business woman, she managed to juggle her time between work and family. Unlike my parents.

After talking to her for sometime, the three of us returned to Akira's luxurious bedroom and settled down on the couch. The look on their faces meant that I was about to be interrogated. Neal made a face like he remembered something and handed out my possession.

"I assume this thing belongs to you." he said, giving my mobile to me. It had a few scratches on its side and the screen was already broken.

"No use for it though." I sighed. I remember that I had typed a message to Ayu last night after which I hurled it on the floor to vent out my frustration.

"Don't worry. It doesn't look that severe. I'll get it fixed for you or get a new one for you. No big deal man." he offered.

"No thanks. I'll buy it myself if I want to." I said. Taking advantage of his money is the last thing I want to do.

"So-" Akira began with a hint of amusement in his voice. "You seem to be in a bad mood ever since this morning. Would you care to tell us the recipe behind that sulky face? I'm sure that your friend Neal would like to know since he's obviously worried about you."

"Is that so Neal?" I chucked.

"Well... I'm not worried exactly. Just curious." Neal shrugged. "What happened last night?" he asked.

I finally told them about yesterday but only in short. 

Last night was a disaster. In the midst of all that fun and madness I would have never predicted for something like this to happen. Hell, I didn't know about Laura still being there. How could I let myself give in like that? Words couldn't tell at how disgusted I was with myself. Well, this is Laura I'm talking about. I hate to admit it but it's like she has some control over me. She knows this and used that to her own advantage. That woman. If only.... if only I wasn't so intoxicated yesterday I would have avoided this. And now thanks to her I have something to regret over. Not because of whether I'll be with Ayu or not. But because of the fact that I've cheated on that one woman which meant a lot to me. My life is just great. (Note sarcasm here)

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