9- "Like the way she is."

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"Bye Mom." I say in a hurry and rush towards the door. I walk down the stairs and see Jamie below waving his hand at me. "Mornin' baby." he smiles and I smile back. He looks refreshing as usual.

"Wait Sarah, your lunchbox." My mom suddenly appears making me jump. Jamie quickly goes downstairs so mom doesn't notice him. Thank goodness!

"Geez Mom! You don't need to make lunch for me. I can eat from the canteen myself." I whine.

"No dear. Who knows how they make food there? If you keep eating from the canteen you'll end up with a sore stomach one day. Now take it, I've made poha today." My mom kisses me on my cheek, embarrassing me. Seriously! She still treats me like a small child even when I'm about to graduate this year.

"Don’t be angry Sarah. She's your mom after all." Jamie tries to calm me down. We usually take a bus together until we go our separate ways. I go to school while Jamie takes the metro train that leads him to his college.

"I’m not angry exactly. I’m only worried because she made lunch for me even in her weak condition. She was sick last night. Even my Dad treats me the same. Just you wait; I’ll show them just how mature their baby girl has become once I become a college girl." I say with determination.

"You’re funny." Jamie laughs at me and I pout. "And...You’re mine." He says directly looking in my eyes stealing my breath away with that intense gaze of his. And you’re mine too.

I glance at the window and realize that his stop is about to arrive. Jamie finally let go of my hand and I frown. I hate this. If only my school hadn't been a little far away. We would have probably spent more time. He realizes how I’m feeling and kisses my forehead taking me by surprise.

"My classes will end early today so I’ll pick you up okay?" he gives a reassuring smile to me. My face brightens up immediately.

"I’ll be waiting then. Bye Jamie. Have a nice day." I say in a low voice and watch him get off from the bus. He watches me from the bus window and we wave hands at each other. I turn my head around and notice a woman in her mid- forties standing next to me smiling down at me. She was probably watching us the whole time. I blush at the mere thought.

The classes go by, boring as usual while I wait for my long awaiting date. We haven't been spending much time lately due to his busy college schedule.

After school I walk along with my two other classmates: Aradhana and Mayuri. Although I’m the monitor of the class, I don’t have many friends and it pains me. These two were just kind enough to let me tag along during recess recently.

"Hey look over there... I wonder who that guy is waiting for. Doesn't he look kinda cool."  Aradhana hisses at us directing her finger towards the front school gate.

"Oh my God." I gasp covering my mouth with my hand. What is Jamie doing standing right in front of my school? Jamie rarely comes to pick me up after school but usually when he does I tell him to wait a little further away from the school on the side of the road so that we won't be easily seen.

"Too bad he might already be taken... oh no! I think he's looking my way." Mayuri gleams with excitement while observing him.

They will surely know. I think while panicking but excited at the same time.

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