Chapter Thirty-Two: What a Fire Leaves...

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Edit: I forgot to put chapter warnings! I'm so sorry, everyone!

Chapter warnings: explosions, hospital, character death

Russia groggily opened his eyes. His head ached and he had a few memories surrounding the events of last night before drinking that "lemonade" with America. Someone definitely spiked the lemonade. The predominately-Muslim countries must not be happy about that.

As Russia took in his surroundings, he froze. He knew exactly where he was, and it wasn't home; it was America's bedroom.

Я ничего не чувствую на себе, кроме нижнего белья (I can't feel anything on me except for my underwear), he noted. Я тоже не чувствую ничего, кроме рубашки и нижнего белья в Америка. (I can also feel nothing but a shirt and underwear on America.) Russia paused. Vait minute, vhy shirrrt? I know he's komforrrtable vith showing his body. Vhy have shirrrt?

Okay, two possible rrreasons. Firrrst rrreason: he's aktually trrransgenderrr and hasn't had top surrrgerrry, vhich is fine. Amerrrika kan take his time on zat. Zerrre's no need to rrrush him. He kan do zese zings on his own terrrms. Rrreason numberrr two: he's frrrakturrring.

I kan't exaktly forrrce him to tell me about eizerrr of zose zings. If he's trrrans, zen he should tell me vhen he feels komforrrtable enough to do zat. If Merrrik is frrrakturrring, zen, vell, me forrrcing him to tell me isn't going to change anyzing but his views on me. He'll see me as a jerrrk if I make him tell me he's frrrakturrring.

I neverrr zought I'd zink zis, but I rrreally hope he's trrrans. If he's trrrans, zen I kan help him– aktually, I should prrrobably help him now if he's trrrans bekcause he most likely kept his chest bound orrr kept his binderrr on forrr morrre zan eight hourrrs, vhich is unhealthy. If he's trrrans, zen hopefully, he's  vearrring a binderrr. Binding yourrr chest is verrry bad forrr yourrr body.

If Amerrrika is frrrakturring, zen zerrre's nozing I kan do to help him. Ze only vay to keep him frrrom dying is to get his kountrrry to an acceptably-stable place. My goverrrnment vouldn't listen to me if I tell zem to help ze U.S.A. and his goverrrnment definitely von't listen to me.

Russia frowned. I rrreally hope he's not frrrakturrring. I don't know vhat I vould do if my Merrrik frrrakturrred–

Vait a minute, "my Merrrik?" Что?! (What?!) He's not mine! I don't like him like zat! He's just a komrrrade! A verrry klose komrrrade!

Vait, I'm in bed vith him! I'm only in underrrvearrr! He's only in shirrrt and underrrvearrr! Did ve–? Нет (No), don't! It's not vhat you zink it is! In his arms, he felt America shift and heard him groaned. Дерьмо! (Shit!)

Russia made a split-second decision to pretend to still be asleep. As he slowed his breathing and somehow managed to relax, America opened his eyes. The first thing America noticed was that he had a massive headache. So much for staying sober, right? Someone must've spiked the lemonade. The second thing he noticed was that his bed felt very warm–


America's eyes shot wide open as he realized that one, he was in bed with Russia. Two, he was only wearing the shirt he wore last night. Neither of them were wearing socks. This was full-on homo. There was no heterosexual explination for this. The third thing America noticed was that his ass hurt.

Ooookay, something definitely happened the night before. There's no denying it, America thought.

He knew he should get up, but he also knew it was a bad idea to wake a sleeping Russian. He's made that mistake once, and he wasn't gonna do that again. However, that mistake was made when he did have a good relationship with Russia, so it should be safe to try and wake him, right?

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