Chapter Twelve: The Borderline Date Part 2

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Germany and Poland walked behind America and Russia, who were leading the way to the bar. The two of them glanced at each other. Both of them were originally on a date, but silently agreed to scrap that idea and go with America and Russia to the bar.

Why, pray tell, would they do such a thing? Well, first of all, it wasn't their first date, so they didn't mind. They've actually been dating for seven months. The two of them were fine with rescheduling their date.

More importantly, a lot of countries were betting on whether or not America and Russia would get together one day. Germany, Poland, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Vietnam, America's family, Russia's family, and some others agreed that Russia and America would get together one day. So, in order to help their side, Side Rusame, as Japan had dubbed it, Germany and Poland decided to give America and Russia a small nudge in that direction.

Operation Get-Two-Hopeless-Idiots-Together was a go.

Japan would be proud of them. Or disappointed that they weren't on a date anymore. Maybe both. Who knows.

America opened the door to the bar and he, Russia, Germany, and Poland walked in. Ireland, who was tending the bar, looked up and smiled.

"Hey, America," he said, setting down the glass he was drying.

America grinned. "Uncle Ire!" he exclaimed. "How are you and Uncle Scotty doin'?"

"We're going good. Scot's getting more tequila, but he'll come back." Ireland looked at the group. "So, what can I get you guys?"

"I'll have a bourbon," America replied.

"I'll have beer," Germany told him.

"Vodka," Poland said.

They all looked at Russia. He shrugged. "I need to drrrive Amerrrika's drrrunk ass home, so I'll just have waterrr."

Germany and Poland looked at each other. They were hoping that Russia would drink since Drunk Russia was usually clingy and would sometimes be flirty, but since that wasn't gonna happen, they were just gonna have to work with a drunk, most likely flirty, very unpredictable America.

Ireland nodded, set two glasses on the counter, and turned to the shelves of alcohol behind him. "Bourbon, beer, vodka, and water comin' up," he said. He grabbed two bottles and poured one drink into one glass. Ireland then placed a bottle of beer on the counter, picked up another glass, poured water into it, and placed it on the counter. "Enjoy, boys!"

America, Germany, Poland, and Russia picked up their drinks and held it up. "To being friends!" America exclaimed.

The four of them clinked their drinks together and drank. Russia looked down at his glass. "Zat vas weirrrd, not doing it vith alcohol," he stated.

America laughed at him and looked down at his now-buzzing phone. "Hey, I gotta take this," he told the others. They nodded as he walked off.

America stepped into a relatively-quiet corner of the bar and shut off the alarm. Nobody was calling him. He just set the alarm so that it could seem like someone was calling him. That way, he had an excuse to step away and check in on his kids.

He tapped Canada's contact and called his phone. After a few seconds, Canada picked up. "Hey, Ame," he greeted him. "Is something wrong?"

"Hi, Nada," America replied. "Nothing's wrong. Things are going great. Russia and I actually ran into Germany and Poland. We're all at the bar right now. How're the kids?"

Canada laughed. "They're doing fine. A lot of them are in bed right now."

America sighed in relief. "Oh, that's good."

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