Chapter Two

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I just realized I forgot to mention that NATO is also one of America's kids. He is the only one out of Ame's fifty-eight kids that actually interacts with the others. Nobody but Canada and Philippines know.

Again, translations are at the bottom and feel free to comment anything I can change to make the story better (unless it interferes with the plot).

Everyone sat in their seats, all eyes on EU. "Thank you for gathering here today," he started. "I know that not everyone's able to make it today due to the pandemic-"

America looked at the two empty seats across the table from him. In those seats should've been Spain and Italy, but because of how hard the pandemic hit the two countries, they couldn't leave their homes because they were so sick. Following that logic, America most definitely shouldn't be there since his country had the most infected people and the highest number of deaths to the virus, but because he wasn't sharing the burden by himself, it wasn't affecting him as much as it should've been.

He hated it so much.

"-any progress?" America heard EU ask.
Britain cleared his throat, gaining everyone's attention. "Some of my citizens may have a vaccine ready by September," he informed the group. "They plan on giving the vaccine to 500 people somewhere in mid May."

Everyone murmured, but America paid no attention to them. A vaccine? There was possibly a vaccine on its way. America could get his kids to feel better. They could finally feel better. They'll finally stop suffering-

America could feel himself nodding off. He should've gotten coffee before the meeting started.

"-merica, are you listening?" he heard EU asked.

"Yup," America responded, sitting up straight.

EU raised an eyebrow at him. "Repeat back what I said to you."

"You were talking about what our people were doing to flatten the curve and, based off of what you've done in the past, you were going to either start talking about what was being done in other countries or you were going to ask for some countries to talk about what they were doing."

EU raised an eyebrow, seeming impressed. After a few seconds, he nodded. "Just sit up."

America gave him a two-fingered salute as he sat up, relieved that his guess was right. "You got it, boss."

As EU got back to the meeting, America did a quick scan of the others. There were some who were concentrating on what EU was saying, others looked concerned about what they were hearing, and then there was Russia, who America caught giving him an amused look before Russia looked away. He smiled to himself, now knowing he possessed the ability to amuse the Slavic country.

"Alright, everyone. That's it for today," he heard UN say. "We'll be seeing you tomorrow. America, Russia, hang back for a bit after the meeting."

America snapped out of his daze, realizing the meeting was coming to an end. He stood up and faced Canada, who'd walked over to him with Philippines beside him.

"Hey, Joe!" Philippines greeted America cheerfully. "Kamusta po?"

America quickly looked over his outfit. Philippines was wearing a suit and tie like the rest of the guys. After finding no flower or bow, America smiled at him. "Mabuti, Philip. At ikaw?"

Philip returned the smile. "Mabuti din ako." He turned to Canada. "How are you, Nada?"

Canada smiled. "I'm doing great, thanks," he answered. He looked at America. "Dinner at your place, right?"

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