Q&A and Final Words

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Vee: Welcome, everyone, to the final Q&A of the book! Food and drinks are on the table, labeled with any dietary need-to-knows because we don't want any accidents happening today.

Jacob: And you're absolutely sure we can't get hurt?

Vee: *laughs* Don't worry, you're safe! *looks at audience* Now, you might notice something at the end of some of the lines, a slash with a letter or letters after it. That's called a tone tag. It's used so people know the manner in which the line is being said in case it's not clear to you guys. Here are some examples:

Vee: Additionally, anything you see in brackets are there for clarification

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Vee: Additionally, anything you see in brackets are there for clarification. Now, let's get our first asker!

*Vee snaps their fingers and the readers are unmuted*


First, my beloved America (the actor one coz my babycharacterboi is ded (;^;):
Are you hurt when you guys shooted this? How did you feel? Omg, that must be horrible. MY CHILD PLEASE GO IN OUR HOME I WILL GIVE Y'ALL A FIEST! Y'ALL MUST BE STRESSED AND ITS BAD FOR THE BABY! FOOD WILL HEAL YAH! IMMA GIVE YOU A LOT!

America: Oh, you're so sweet! I'm doing well, don't worry! We're all pretty much okay, but we have mental health aides who come in regularly during shoots to make sure we're fine. And it's not all horrible. We mess around with each other during scenes, too. And I'll be sure to take you up on your offer of food!

sinfulthesis_CH: My man, Russia:
Don't be too hard on yourself, please? You did what you [thought was] the best for everyone. Please don't hurt yourself anymore, I love you my child *gives u an awkward hug coz why not?*

Russia: *hugs back* Zanks. In-storrry me apprrreciates yourrr vorrrds. As forrr rrregularrr me, I kan assurrre you zat I don't do zat anymorrre, but zanks again forrr vorrrying.

WeirdestArrow: I don't have any questions, but I'm going to say Hello to Ireland, America, and Delaware.

Ireland, America, and Delaware: Hi!

kookieskreamy: To America: did ruski actually cried during your death scene ? Also was he mad that vee made him do that ?

America: There was a lot of complaining from Russia.

Russia: They wanted me to shoot my husband! Why wouldn't I complain or cry about my husband dying?!

America: *giggles and kisses Russia's cheek* That would answer the other question. And I'm fine, Ruski!

sinfulthesis_CH: For Antartica: Hey, I'm sorry in behalf of the humans who're making you suffer. Hang in there, we can still do something abt it! (Hopefully)

*Antarctica signs his answer to Greenland, who agreed to translate for him if he was asked any questions*

Greenland: Antarctica says "thank you" for being concerned and is hopeful that you regular humans will do something about what's going on. More people are becoming aware of how big of an issue global warming is. If we're lucky, really lucky, things will start to improve soon.

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