Chapter Twenty: Starting to Heal

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Edit: chapter warnings: cutting mention, past murder, smoking,  the f-word (rhymes with maggot), talk of war, talk of natural disasters. I'll put a warning around the big part and sum it up at the end.

America helped Alaska and Texas carry Russia up to his room while Louisiana and Kentucky carried Russia's friend up to the nearest bedroom, which belonged to Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, and Texas.

As America, Alaska, and Texas set Russia down on America's swivel chair, they heard Louisiana shout, "Oh my God!"

America sprinted down two flights of stairs and burst into the bedroom. "What is it?" he asked.

Louisiana raised a shaky hand and pointed at their guest, who was beginning to wake up. America walked over and felt faint.

It was Confederacy.

Confederacy's eyes fluttered open. He and America stared at each other, waiting for each other to say something. Finally, after a minute of complete silence, Confederacy whispered, "Rv'hv? (Brother?)"

America felt himself tear up. "Nemat? (Brother?)"

Confederacy nodded and America hugged him. The two of them sobbed into each other, taking in the fact that they were finally reunited after so many years of being apart.

Native America had once said that he and Confederacy were so inseparable, no matter how far apart they were, they would always be able to find each other. So far, she's been correct; they managed to find each other after their family was massacred, and now they've found their way back to each other again.

The brothers pulled away to look at each other. "You have so many stars now," Confederacy noted.

America laughed as he wiped some tears away. "Yeah, I have a lot more kids than I did back in 1865."

"How many?"


Confederacy's jaw dropped. "My God, Ame, do you even sleep anymore?"

"Hardly, but it's worth–" America did a double-take. "Wait, oh my God, your flag's changing!"

Confederacy touched his face. "Wait, what?!"

America guided Confederacy over to a mirror. Together, they watched as Confederacy's red base and blue X, which was outlined with white and had thirteen white stars inside, shifted, changed, and rearranged. By the end of it, Confederacy's flag had three horizontal stripes– one red stripe sandwiched between two red ones– and had a blue square with thirteen white stars forming a circle in the centre.

The bedroom door slammed open and into the room ran the Original Thirteen– minus Massachusetts, who was checking over Russia with Hawaii– who were accompanied by Maine, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, California, Nevada, Oregon, West Virginia, Vermont, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and Washington DC.

Louisiana gestured toward Confederacy. "I told y'all!" she exclaimed. She glanced at Confederacy and then did a double-take. "Wait, what?"

Confederacy laughed. "It's still me, Louise," he assured her.

The states and DC all stared at Confederacy, shocked at what they were seeing. When it finally registered with them what they were seeing, they crowding him and gave him hugs, shouting with joy.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, Uncle Fed!" Maryland exclaimed. "It's hell."

Confederacy chuckled. "So I've heard. Russia's been tryin' to catch me up on what's happened since I died."

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