Chapter Nineteen: So... What the Hell Happened?

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My parents are out for basically the entire day and my brothers agreed to leave me alone if I let them watch whatever movies they wanted so here's this long-ass chapter! YEE-

Wait, chapter warning: stabbing, bleeding, and burning. I'll put a summary of it at the end of the chapter.

Okay, now onto the chapter! YEET!

That's a good question, Chapter Title. Let's rewind a bit to find out, shall we?

Russia gasped and shot straight up in bed. For the past couple of days, he's been having flashback dreams to January 3, 1959, the day Alaska was taken. So, for the past two mornings, he's been experiencing phantom pains from when he was separated from Alaska and was forced to relive what it was like back when Soviet was a bit... meaner than he was now.

"Как ты мог?! Вы знаете, как это больно?! (How could you?! Do you know how much it hurt?!)"

"Это для твоего же блага, Россия! Кого волнует, насколько это больно? Ты просто слабый! (It's for your own good, Russia! Who cares how much it hurts? You're just weak!)"

"Я ненавижу тебя! (I hate you!)"

"Угадай, что? Я тоже ненавижу тебя! Убирайся отсюда! Оставлять! (Guess what? I hate you, too! Get out of here! Leave!)"

"Отлично! (Fine!)"

Luckily for their sakes, they've moved past that part of their lives.

Russia put his right hand on his left shoulder. On his shoulder blade was a tattoo or some sort of burn etched into his skin in the shape of Alaska. He'd gotten it the morning Alaska was sold to America.

Почему эта память? (Why that memory?) Russia wondered.

Groaning, Russia leaned forward and put his head in his hands, thinking back to that night at Japan's. One of the things he remembered from that night was talking about Alaska with America, but he didn't remember exactly what about Alaska they had talked about. And now, all Russia's been dreaming about is Alaska. Perhaps if he could understand what his mind was trying to tell him about Alaska, he could figure out what happened that night.

So far, Russia's had little luck in figuring it out. He would ask Confederacy about Alaska, but Alaska was made a US state after he died, so Confederacy would know nothing of Alaska.

"რუსეთი! (Russia!)" Georgia called. "გაიხადე შენი უკანალი აქ! საუზმე მზად არის! (Get your ass down here! Breakfast is ready!)"

Russia rolled his eyes. "Я иду! (I'm coming!)"

He took Artyom out of his ushanka, much to the annoyance of Artyom, and went downstairs. Rubbing his eyes tiredly, he took a plate of eggs and sat down at the table.

"Russland, du solltest nicht ohne Brille im Haus herumlaufen, (Russia, you shouldn't be walking around the house without your glasses.)" Germany told him.

"Я в порядке, Германия (I'm fine, Germany.)," Russia sighed.

Germany shook his head disappointedly. "Nein, du bist nicht. Letzte Woche hast du dich beim Frühstück fast verbrannt. (No, you're not. Last week, you almost burned yourself while cooking breakfast.)

"И я не сделал. Видеть? Я в порядке. (And I didn't. See? I'm fine.)" Germany groaned and put his head down on the table.

"В чем дело? (What's going on?)" Soviet asked, walking into the room with Nazi.

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