Chapter Eighteen: NATO and Hawaii

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Edit: Blood warning near the end. I'll sum it up at the end.

It's been two days since the incident. None of America's children knew what happened, much to America's delight. (And much to your disappointment.)

Speaking of his kids, they were currently at home without America supervising them. America was out of the house, visiting Britain and France with Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. His kids were sitting in the living room, buzzing with excitement. NATO had come up with a plan to allow his siblings to go to the outside world and they were going to be doing the first trial.

Okay, sure, they could only go one at a time, but hey, they were still going to be able to go outside. Something was better than nothing!

NATO stood in front of the fireplace. In his hand was a bag filled with their names. "Okay, everyone!" he yelled. "The first person to leave the house is..." Everyone did a drumroll as he dug his hand into the bag. NATO pulled out a slip of paper and everyone went silent. "Hawaii!"

Everyone clapped and cheered while Hawaii excitedly jumped up and walked to the front. "I'm going outside!" she exclaimed.

NATO turned to face her. "Okay, are you ready?"

Hawaii nodded eagerly. "I've been ready for years!"

"Alright, hold out your wrist." Hawaii held out her right wrist and NATO held up a bracelet. "This bracelet can be programmed to hold over one hundred different disguises. No one but you can put on your disguise." NATO put the bracelet on her wrist. "To activate it, tap the bracelet, say your name, and design your disguise. Just know that you can't change your height and your tattoo won't go away, and neither will your scar."

Hawaii nodded and tapped the bracelet. "Please identify yourself," the bracelet requested.

"Hawaii," Hawaii answered.

"Welcome, Hawaii. Please design your disguise. When you're done, please press the 'design complete' button."

A hologram shot out of the bracelet, displaying a menu that looked similar to one you would see when designing a Sims character. After a few minutes, Hawaii finished designing her disguise. She hit the "complete design" button and was then engulfed by a bright light.

When the light faded away, Hawaii no longer looked like a statehuman. She had chocolate brown, curly hair that went down to the middle of her back, mocha-coloured doe eyes, and warm, tan skin. On her right arm was her black turtle tattoo.

Hawaii twirled around. "How do I look, guys?" she asked.

"Like a human," Alaska replied, giving her a thumbs-up.

"Wait, how do you take off the disguise?" Iowa inquired.

"Simple. You just tap the bracelet twice," NATO said. He looked at Hawaii again. "Okay, the next step is coming up with a human name. What do you want your name to be?"

Hawaii thought for a moment. "How about Mila Kim?"

NATO nodded. "Perfect." He changed into his human disguise– a man with dirty blonde, wavy hair, baby blue eyes, and a small mark on his nose that closely resembled a compass rose. NATO held out his hand. "C'mon, Mila Kim. It's time to go outside."

Hawaii happily took NATO's hand and walked with him out to his car, waving goodbye to her siblings. She sat in the back while NATO sat in the driver's seat.

"Alright, first, we need to put masks on so we can really pass with the other humans. All the humans are supposed to wear masks when they go outside." NATO handed Hawaii a mask, which she put on. "Okay, where to?"

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