Chapter Ten: A Trip to a Certain Slavic Household

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Also, please let me know if I made any mistakes so I can fix them later.

Almost a week had passed since America's chest had cracked. The crack hadn't grown, and thank God for that. When America had awoken the day after getting the crack, he was barely able to get out of bed, much less function. He felt so tired all the time, and having to go to meetings didn't help at all.

America was currently walking down the street, earbuds in his ears— or, erm, head?— on his way to Russia's house. He hummed along to the song that was currently playing, bobbing his head to the beat.

"Ame-san!" he heard a familiar voice call.

Grinning, America paused his music, took out his earbuds, turned around and saw a familiar neko walking towards him. He waved. "Hey, Japan!" he greeted her. "What'cha doin' here?"

Japan smiled as she stopped in front of him. "I'm going to South-senpai's! He invited me over."

America smirked. "Invited you over, huh?"

Japan's face turned red as she lightly shoved America's shoulder. "Baka! Shut up!"

America cackled. "I'm just messin' with ya." After he calmed down, he smiled and turned around. "Hey, since we're going the same way, you wanna walk together?"


The two of them started walking. It was silent for a few measly seconds before Japan asked, "So, since you already know where I'm going, why don't you tell me where you're going?"

"Oh, I'm going to Russia's."

Japan grinned. "Russia's, huh?"

America rolled his eyes. "It's not like that, Japan. Besides, I'm actually not going there to see Russia."

Japan's grin turned into a confused frown. "Then why are you going to Russia's?"

"I have to talk to Soviet about something."

"What are you gonna talk to Soviet about?"

America didn't think that far ahead when he replied to Japan's other question. He couldn't tell her the real reason he was going to Russia's, so he quickly came up with a lie. "It's about Russia."

Japan smirked. "Ooh, what about?"

"I'm gonna try to get Soviet to help me convince Russia into helping me finally get you and South Korea together."

Japan shoved America away again as he wheezed with laughter at her reaction. "黙れ (Shut up)!" she whined.

Meanwhile, in Soviet's house, countries bustled about, doing their own thing. It was relatively calm, until...


"Ermənistan, bu ne cefengiyatdir?! (Armenia, what the hell?!)" Azerbaijan yelled. "Bura qayıt! (Come back here!)"

"Երբեք! (Never!)" Armenia yelled back.

And thus, the house erupted into chaos.

Soviet, who sat in his office with Nazi, sighed and put his head in his hands. "Не снова (Not again.)," he groaned. "Zat's ze second time today. I'm going to get a headache frrrom all zis yelling."

Nazi sympathetically placed a hand on Soviet's forearm and gave him a soft, comforting smile. "I know, I know," he replied. "Put, vu vant to know vat vill giffe you a literal headache?" His smile fell. "Peink bunched in ze face."

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