Chapter Thirty: The New Building (hooray.)

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It was the next day, the day everyone was dreading- new building day. Like UN said, countryhumans were arriving in waves, and like AU had warned them through email, there were security checkpoints in front of the building. Because of the security checkpoints, it was taking a long time for people to actually get into the building.

It was 7:15 and America was waiting in line to be checked in. He was currently in the middle of a quiet conversation with Russia, whose family was assigned to come in at the same time as him.

"–can't believe it," America muttered.

Russia, who was leaning down so only America could hear, said, "Neizerrr kan I. I get zat zey vant to be thorrrough, but ze prrrocess is taking so long."

America nodded. "Yeah, it's been ages since the line moved–"

"Next!" a guard called.

America threw his arms up, his right hand narrowly avoiding Russia's face. "Of course it moves right when I say that."

Russia smirked. "Tough luck, Merrrik."

While the two of them talked, Nazi walked up to the guard. The guard held out his hand. "Phone and ID, please," he said.

Nazi handed the guard his ID and his phone, and his phone was put through an X-ray scanner. While that was happening, the guard scanned Nazi's ID and motioned for him to go through a body scanner. Nazi walked through and the guard motioned for him to hold up his arms. He complied and the guard patted him down and pulled out an orange pill bottle from Nazi's pocket. He held it up and looked at Nazi.

"What is this?" the guard asked, his voice loud enough to catch everyone's attention.

The countryhumans waiting in line who heard the man all looked at the front and saw what the guard was holding. The moment they saw the bottle, they knew that if anything happened to that bottle, Nazi would be screwed. Those were the painkillers used to treat fracture pains. The painkillers needed to be strong. If someone experiencing fracture pains missed taking a pill, they would feel the phantom fracture pains in two minutes or less, three if they're lucky. They were so strong, you would get you arrested for possessing them if you weren't a countryhuman because if a human took just one pill, they would OD and most likely die.

Nazi muttered something nobody couldn't hear. The guard scowled at him. "What did you say?" he asked.

"Painkillers," Nazi repeated in an Italian accent.

The guard gave the bottle to one of the employees, who set it down on the table and started setting up a machine. "Now why would you need to carry them around with you?"

"Because I'm experiencing fracture pains."

The guard picked up one of the pills. "So, if I have you take one of these right now, what would happen?"

"Nothing good, I assume, considering I'm still under the effects of the pill I took earlier."

"That could also be explained by the use of illegal drugs."

Nazi gave the guard an annoyed look. "What do I have to gain by attempting to bring illegal drugs into a government building while knowing I'm going to be going through a security check?"

The guard sighed impatiently. "Do you at least have a doctor's note?"

Nazi nodded. As he rummaged through his pockets, someone bumped into the table behind the guard. Nazi's bottle was set on the edge, so when the tale wobbled from the impact, the pill bottle fell to the ground, spilling all its contents. The countryhumans who were able to watch the scene gasped at the sight and looked at Nazi, who looked like he was going to murder someone.

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