Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Very Belated Happy Fourth of July

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Yes, I'm aware it's been nearly a month since the Fourth of July but shhh, enjoy the chapter.

"C'mon, where are we going?"

"I'm not telling you."

"Oh, come on, Ruski! Please?"

"Нет (No), it's a surrrprrrise."

America, who was sitting in Russia's car, pouted and slumped down in his seat, tapping his fingers against his crossed arms. Where were they going? America didn't know, for Russia refused to say.

An idea popped up in America's head and he brightened up a bit. He shifted in his seat and looked at Russia. "Can I guess?"

"You kan, but I'm just going to deny all yourrr guesses," Russia responded.

America sighed and bounced his leg. "Can you at least tell me if we're close?"

"Ve'rrre klose, don't vorrry."

America looked out the window. They were seemingly in the middle of nowhere, just surrounded by trees. He wasn't sure he'd even been to this part of the island. "If you're gonna murder me, you couldn't have picked a better spot."

Russia laughed. "Good."

America rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You could've picked a better day, though. I'm supposed to be going over to Tea Man and Lady Baguette's tonight with Confederacy."

"Vell, zerrre go my plans."

"Aw, tough luck, Ruski. Maybe next time."

The road ended and Russia stopped the car. He unbuckled and looked at America. "Okay, you'rrre going to have to keep yourrr eyes klosed until I tell you."

"Ruski–" America whined.

"No arrrguments, Merrrik. It'll rrruin ze surrrprrrise."

America sighed and got out of the car. He closed his eyes just enough so he could barely see and leaned against the car's hood. "I'm just sayin' this is taking a lot of effort."

Russia rolled his eyes as he got out of the car and locked it. "Just trrrust me."

"Okay, okay." America watched as Russia reached forward and started taking his sunglasses off of his face. "Wha- hey!"

Russia covered America's eyes with one of his hands. "I need to make surrre you'rrre not peaking. You rrreally need to trrrust me."

Damn it, America hissed internally. "Okay, fine. But if I get sniped or fall into a pile of deer shit, you bet I'm gonna take you down with me."


Not a second later, he felt Russia place his other hand on America's back and Russia guided him away from the car. America felt his face grow warm from the touch.

"Merrrik, arrre you okay?"

America nodded. "Yeah, it's just kinda hot out here."

Russia continued to guide America, warning him about objects such as rocks and tree roots. As they walked, America could hear the sound of a rushing stream. It steadily grew louder and louder the farther the two walked from the car.

Minutes later, Russia stopped, took his hand off of America's face, and slid his sunglasses back on. "Okay, you kan open yourrr eyes now," Russia told America.

America opened his eyes and gasped. In front of him was a clearing in the woods. Water cascaded off the edge of a cliff into a pool below, the droplets of water refracting sunlight to create a faint rainbow. Branching off from the pool was a babbling stream that travelled back in the direction they came along with a creek that cut through the ground in front of him. Beyond the creek was a small meadow filled with all sorts of flowers.

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