Chapter Seven: Catching Up

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As always, feel free to comment things I can improve on and translations are down below (along with an AN).

America and NATO stared at New York before rushing over to him. New York pushed himself up into a sitting position as they sat down by his side, awaiting his first words since he passed out.

"My head's fucking killing me," New York croaked.

"I'll go get some painkillers," NATO said, standing up.

America and New York watched as NATO left the room. When he did, America looked back at New York. "How're you doing, buddy?" he asked.

"If I ignore the fact that it feels like someone drove a spike into my head, I'd say I'm still feeling pretty shitty," New York replied, attempting to lighten the mood.

America smirked, knowing what New York was trying to do. "Excuse you, sir. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

New York rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "No. I don't have a mother."

"Some of the states would beg to differ."

New York laughed, but it soon turned into coughs. America rubbed his back until New York recovered. He groaned as he slumped back onto his pillow. "God, this sucks," he whined.

"Do you know what made you pass out?"

New York shook his head. "I dunno. All I remember is being out in the woods with everyone else, feeling faint, and then blacking out. Then I woke up in bed, feeling like—" He froze when he saw all the other passed out states sleeping in beds or piles of sheets on the floor. "Did they all faint, too?"

America nodded. "Yeah. After you passed out, everyone started fainting left and right." As if on cue, Missouri and Arizona were carried in by Nevada, Delaware, DC, and Utah with Arkansas and Guam bringing in more blankets.

"Oh, hey, New York," DC said, setting Arizona down with Utah. "You're finally up."

New York nodded. "Alive and kicking," he confirmed. "How long was I out?"

DC helped set Arizona down and looked at New Hampshire's alarm clock. "3:56 pm, so you've been out for a little less than three hours."

"Oh geez, that long? Cool, I don't need sleep for the next three days." Guam frowned at him. New York sighed when he saw his younger brother's expression. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

"Please rest, Yorkie," Guam requested. "You're already so fatigued."

In the distance, everyone in the room could hear four dull thuds. They all looked at each other before Nevada sighed. "Great, more states coming in," he muttered.

The door was kicked open by Oklahoma, who was holding Wisconsin's feet. "Alabama, Iowa, Mississippi, and Wisconsin are all down!" she announced. "Make way, y'all! We got a large group comin' in!"

Nevada, DC, Guam, and Delaware all cleared a path so Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, Minnesota, Oregon, South Dakota, New Hampshire, Idaho, and Alaska could carry in the four collapsed states. Hawaii and New Mexico came in behind them with more blankets to set on the floor.

NATO came back into the room with New York's painkillers and a glass of water when he saw the amount of people in the room. "Wow, it's a party up in here, isn't it?" he asked, walking over to New York.

"I'm now realizing how many people can fit in my room," New York stated, taking the pain killers from NATO and swallowing them.

"Don't you mean 'our room'?" New Hampshire corrected him, smirking.

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