Bloopers, Deleted Scenes, and Extras

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Forenote: I'm probably gonna use the questions y'all ask in the comments in the Q&A. If you don't want your question being used in the Q&A, let me know!

Vee at the start of the book: Alright, first published fanfic! This is gonna be fun. Okay, we're gonna introduce Russ to the kids in, like, chapter fifteen-ish, maybe? And then we're gonna introduce them to everyone else in, like, chapter thirty. Yeah, yeah, that sounds about right! And we're not gonna make this too long. We're probably gonna stop this when the timeline reaches, maybe, August or September.

Vee on chapter sixty-five: Holy shit, dude, it's been more than a year since I started writing this?! Wild.

This story was published April 21, 2020.


Vee on chapter one: This is gonna be a kind of angsty story, but I don't think I'm gonna kill off any characters.

Vee on chapter nine: Okay, so America might die. I could change that, though. There's no way the country's gonna fall apart that bad, right?

Vee on chapter thirty-four: Okay, so America is probably gonna die. But I'm still not too sure about that one yet.

Vee on the epilogue: Sooo, uh...


Blooper (Chapter 1)

As soon as the others realized there was going to be a fight in the wreck room, they immediately started making bets.

"Va a estar Maine," Puerto Rico whispered to Montana.

"Ha!" New Jersey laughed. "My money's on Al. He's bigger."

"Bigger isn't better!" Maine snapped.

"Maybe not for fighting," Alabama joked, winking at the audience.


Extra Information: America's pets

America has several different pets, including those that aren't native to the island, such as alligators and bald eagles.

These invasive animals came to the island because during the days of the Triangular Trade, or trading between Europe, the New World, and Africa, there were ships that would smuggle merchandise without people's knowledge. A couple of these ships crashed into the coast of New Pangea. The animals escaped from the ship and adapted to their new environment.


Vee: *checks Wattpad*

Wattpad: *shows comments on the book*

Vee: *confused, flattered panic*

Shoutout to An0nymousUser for being my first commenter


Scene Explanation (Chapter 4)

As America strolled through the aisles, he pushed a shopping cart in front of him, humming to himself as he put the groceries into the cart's basket. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted white stars with something blue and red.

Startled, America quickly turned his head, only to see a bunch of inflated party balloons. He laughed quietly and weakly at his fear. "Oh, okay," he muttered, walking away. "It was just balloons, nothing else."

America wasn't scared of Confederacy himself. He was scared of Confederacy being there, yes, but only because he thought Confederacy would be mad at America for killing him, despite knowing that Confederacy had told America to kill him to put an end to the Civil War.

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