Chapter Sixty-One: The Victory Livestream

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Edit: updated end note

Chapter warnings: talk of slavery, some not-so-PG talk (I'll put chapter warning alert around this part). No beta-read. Let's go!

America's eyes fluttered open and almost immediately, a small, content smile formed on his face. He was in bed, cuddled up in Russia's arms, the other countryhuman still asleep. Yesterday was amazing. Joe Biden won, which meant that he gets to do a victory livestream–

Wait a minute, he had a stream to do.

America's eyes widened as he turned and snatched his phone off the bedside table. He had ten minutes left before he had to stream. "Shit!" he cursed quietly. He tossed the blanket off and tried getting up, but his legs were tangled up and he fell off the bed right onto his butt. "Fuck!"

"Merrrik?" he heard Russia ask from above him. Russia's head popped into view. "Arrre you okay?"

America rolled over and tilted his head left and right a few times while feeling pain in his lower back. "Eh, kinda."

Russia scooted to the edge of the bed. "Vhy arrre you in such a rrrush?"

"Because I forgot I have my stream today and it starts in ten minutes! Fuck, I'm gonna be so late!"

"Hey, you still have time. Do you vant help getting up?"

"Nah, I'm fine." To prove it, America slowly stood up. He looked around the semi-dark room, grabbed a turtleneck sweater, and put it on. Hopefully, that'll cover up anything America didn't want people seeing. "You can go back to sleep."

"Vait, arrren't you going to eat?"

"I can do it later," America told him as he went into the closet to finish dressing up.

"Merrrik," Russia started.

"Oh, okay, fine. Uh, I think the fridge needs restocking and I still need to do groceries, so can you, like, DoorDash some McDonalds or something?"

Russia swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up. "Alrrright, just go set up forrr yourrr strrream." He tilted his head when America came out of the closet (literally-speaking). "Is zat ze sveaterr I left frrrom–?"

"When you spilled coffee on yourself because of one of Michigan's inventions? Yeah."

"And zen you sent me home vith anotherrr one of Canada's PorrrnHub shirrrts. Do you rrrealize how many questions I got bekause of zat?"

America smirked. "So many. Germany was texting me about it." He giggled to himself. "He was very confused." He jutted a thumb towards the closet. "The pants you wore that day should also be in there somewhere. Now, I've gotta go set up for the stream." America quickly gave Russia a kiss and exited the room. "See ya!"

"Vait, vhat ze hell am I supposed to orderrr?!"


"Yeah, but vhat?!"

"Surprise me! Love you!"

Russia rolled his eyes, but smiled. "Yeah, yeah, love you, too."

America ran into the living room and grabbed his laptop. He didn't have time to go back to his house to stream like he originally planned, so this was going to have to do. He propped his laptop on a stack of books, logged onto the countryhuman account on YouTube, clicked the camera button, and clicked the live button. America then copied the link, went to his Twitter, and tweeted the link, saying that stream was starting. Thousands of people started logging on, thus officially starting the livestream.

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