Chapter 5

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Raph's POV

After my first class, I decide that I hated school.

My first class was math.

We did nothing.

Well...I did find a couple of good looking girls though.

And no one I knew was in my class.

But I hated it.

Next I had gym.

In my gym class was, Casey, Donnie, and Karai.

We played dodge ball.

Casey and Karai were on different sides then Donnie and I.

"We'll play until everyone is out." My gym teacher announced.

"3, 2, 1, start!" We yelled.

Dodge balls flew everywhere.

There were 17 people on each team when we started.

Now on my team there's only 7 on my team, and 10 on the other team.

I was trying to hit Casey.

And Donnie was trying to hit Karai.

Soon there was only 4 on my team, and 5 on the other.

I threw the ball.

Casey dodged it.

Soon it was only the four of us left.

Donnie threw a ball at Karai.

Unfortunately she caught it.

I was the only person left on my team.

I hit Casey.

I tried to hit Karai, but she dodged it.

Karai threw it at me.

But I caught it.

My team started cheering.

It felt great!

After gym, a couple guys talked to me.

And I made some friends.

After all gym wasn't too bad.

Leo's POV

After school, Splinter made us tell him about our day.

Raph said he hates school.

Donnie said he loves school.

I said it was okay.

Mikey said he didn't like it.

And Karai said she never wanted to go back.

But we all knew that we have to go back tomorrow.

"Hey Karai, can we talk?" I asked.

"Sure." Karai said.

She followed me into my room.

"Why'd you kiss me?" I asked.

"Did you like it?" She asked me.

"That's not the point Karai."

She was silent.

"You kissed me twice, and called me honey." I said.

"Do you like me?" I asked quietly.

"Do you think I do?" She asked.

"I have no idea." I said.

She leaned in close to me.

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