Chapter 4

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Mikey's POV

I actually don't mind being a human that much.

But I don't wanna go to school.

School is my worst fear.

Or one of them anyways.

And I'll have to face it next week.

I know I will fail classes.

And I'll need a lot of help from Donnie.

But maybe I'll met a girl.

It's just a thought!

I like our new house.

I miss our old one a lot.

But this one is just so much nicer.

The week went by so fast.

Next thing I knew I was going to school!

"We're going to school!" I said.

Karai didn't look very happy.

"Hey Leo." Raph said.

"Maybe you finally get a girlfriend." Raph said.

All of us were in the living room but Splinter.

Leo's face turned REALLY red.

Karai looked at Leo.

"Why are you so red Leo?" She asked.

She knew that he liked her.

But like Raph, she also liked to bug him.

Leo just looked at Karai and smiled.

"Oh wait you already do!" Raph added.

"We're not dating." Karai said.

"Didn't you kiss him?" I asked.

At this time Leo and Karai's face was red.

We know that Leo likes Karai.

But we aren't sure if Karai likes Leo.

We don't think she does, but she kissed him before.

So that completely twisted our minds.

"Yes I kissed him once." She said.

"Don't people only kiss when they're dating?" Raph asked.

"Donnie got kissed three times!" Leo said.

"Yes he did." Raph said.

"But you two made out."

"Okay let's change the topic." Karai suggested.

"It's 8 o'clock. You must go now." Splinter said.

We said goodbye to Splinter then walked to school.

Leo's POV

Once we got to school, we found April and Casey.

We weren't all in the same class.

But all of us were with someone we knew.

"Who's in the same English class with you April?" Raph asked.

"Mikey, Casey." She said.

"Who's in my English class?" Donnie asked.

" I am." Raph said.

"Wait." Raph said.

"So that means the two love birds are together!" Raph said.

He obviously was talking about me and Karai.

"IT WAS ONE TIME! Karai yelled.

"We can make it a second." I said quietly.

I didn't think anyone would here it.

But apparently Karai did.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Umm...nothing." I said quickly.

"Maybe one day honey." She said and walked off towards the school.

"Honey?" Casey asked.

"And you're sure your not dating right?" Casey asked.

" I am pretty sure." I said.

But this did confuse me a bit too.


I kept thinking.

My first class was English.

I my desk was in the front, and Karai's was in the back.

We really did nothing, besides listen to the teacher explain what we'll be doing this year.

After an hour of him talking, the bell rang.

"I'm not with you for the next class." I told Karai.

"I know." She said.

"The next time I'll see you is in science." I said.

"Bye Leo." She said as she left.

I stood there for a second.

And the next second, I saw Karai coming back.

She quickly kissed me on the lips.

And without a word, she left for good.

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