Chapter 41

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Karai's POV

It's the end of the day now, and instead of going home, I'm stuck here in detention. I have it for 25 minutes, but if I talk, another 15 minutes is added on to that.

It's really boring seating not allowed to leave or talk. All I was doing was staring at the clock, waiting for what felt like forever to finish.

There are three other kids here. Two of them are always here, and the other one only gets detention sometimes.

"You all are here for a reason," my teacher started.

"All of your reasons are different, but that doesn't mean that you have a good reason to be here."

At this point he started to confuse me. What is he trying to say?

I swear his lecture took up ten minutes, leaving me with 13 minutes. This is taking a lot longer then it feels like.

When the teacher looked away, one kid whispered to another. I couldn't tell what they said, but I think the teacher did. He turned around and added another fifteen minutes to the one kids time.

I sat there thinking of anything and everything. Do I have homework? Then again, why would I care if I did, it's not like I ever do it anyways.

When there was only five minutes left before I could leave, the teacher started to give us another lecture.

"If you all behaved, you wouldn't have to be here. You could all be at your house doing what ever you want."

His lecture was just pointing out the obvious. Yeah I know I could be at home, but I'm not because of my behaviour. By the time he had finally finished his speech, my time was up.

You know, I should be happy to go home. In fact, I should be really happy to know that my detention is over, but I not. I know I'll get in a lot of trouble, considering I am the first one to get detention out of the five of us.

I walked home slowly. I know that I'm most likely going to get grounded. If I don't, I'll be lucky.

When I got home, I entered silently. It wasn't long until Raph started to get on my nerve.

"How was detention?" Raph asked already knowing the answer.

"Shut up," I snapped.

Raph was the only one to say anything. Well he was until Splinter came in.

"May I have a word with you?" Splinter asked me.

I agreed to knowing I didn't have a choice. We walked into the basement and sat down at the table.

"May I ask why you did," he asked.

I thought for a minute. I didn't wanna tell him I didn't do my homework, and I didn't wanna lie to him either.

"I talked back to him," I explained not lying, but not telling the entire story.

"Are you proud of what you did?"

"No," I answered in a voice like he should already know my answer.

"It was wrong of you to do that, and therefore you are grounded," Splinter explained.

"For how long?" I asked.

"For a week. But if it happens again, it will be longer.

"Okay," I said. I was expecting it to be longer. It could've been way worst then a week.

"One more thing," he said. "I'll take your phone," Splinter said.

I looked him dead in the eye with an evil look. I didn't wanna give it to him, but why choice did I really have?

I took my phone out of my pocket and gave it to him. "You may leave," he said.

I can tell that this week isn't going to be a good one. I almost regret not doing my homework yesterday. Speaking of homework, I forgot my binder at school. Looks like that thing that was suppose to be done today won't be done today either.

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