Chapter 49

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Donnie's POV

I was with Raph trying to find Hannah. Apparently he's been looking for her for the entire prom.

"I have to find her," he said sounded as determined as ever.

"But Raph, we still don't know if she's even here," I explained.

He sighed. "It's worth the try. Plus I'm sure she would want to come even though I wouldn't be here."

If she's here or not were really not sure. We just have to keep an eye out for Hannah and hope we eventually find her.

As we continued to push our way through the crowd of people, Raph started to talk to me again.

"Hey Donnie, found your girlfriend."

Without even having to look at where he was pointing I knew who he was talking about. Brenna. I glanced at him evilly before explaining to him for the hundredth time that she is not my girlfriend.

"Why do you even bug me about her?" I asked Raph wanting an answer.

"Well..." Raph started his explanation. "I bug you about her because I used to bug Leo about Karai. Now since they're dating and you like Brenna, I bug you."

This made sense. Well the part about Leo and Karai, but I still don't like Brenna in that way.

"Why are you so convinced that I like Brenna?" I asked annoyed.

Before he answered I started thinking. Does he honestly think I like her? Or does he keep on bugging me because my reaction is funny?

"Because you get all nervous around her most of the time. Plus didn't you two kiss?"

I will admit it. I used to get nervous around her because, well I don't know. But not anymore.

"Yeah we kissed but that was a very long time ago," I told Raph. We did kiss that one time while studying at the part. However that was near the beginning of the school year.

"Okay, but didn't you slow dance with her during our party?" Raph asked.

I had to think for a moment. "Yeah, but that didn't mean anything. It was because I was upset."

"Was it? Or was it because you both like each other and it was the perfect opportunity to ask you to dance with her?"

His next comment shocked me. Did she not only dance with me because I was sad? Does she really like me? Do I like her?

My mind was getting too confused with everything he was saying. I didn't think she liked me, but why else would she have invited me to the park and kissed me. Why else would she have rested her head on my shoulder right before asking me to dance. Why else would she be this nice to me if she didn't like me?

"I'm gonna talk to her," I told Raph. "And good luck finding her."

"Yeah thanks, good luck with talking with her."

I laughed at his comment. I wanted to clear up everything with her. I wanted to ask her about all these things.

I walked up to her. She wasn't with anyone. I was glad about that. "Hey," I said approaching her.

"What's up?" she asked.

I was going to ask her, I truly was until I got nervous. "N-Nothing much," I said followed by a nervous laugh.

Why am I getting nervous? I'm never get nervous around her anymore.

"You okay?" Brenna asked looking at me strangely. I guess I was shaking and didn't even realize it.

"Yeah good as ever," I said followed with the same nervous laugh. What is wrong with me today?

"Right," she said not believing me at all.

"You having fun?" I asked in a less nervous voice but it still wasn't normal.

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah it's pretty great," I said.

She noticed me shaking again. "Seriously what's up?"

I don't exactly know what's up. If I tell her that I know she won't believe me though. It may be the part that she might like me. Or I might like her.

"Just cold," I responded.

I don't think she was convinced. "Then what's up with the nervous laugh?"

What am I supposed to say now? I'm not even entirely sure if she likes me.

I shrug as if it's no big deal.

"No seriously you're never like this," she said wanting an answer.

"I guess I'm just tired," I said. Out of any excuse I come up with the worst one.

She didn't believe this lie at all. Brenna looked into my eyes. "Is there something you wanna say?" She asked wanting to know what's up.

"I umm...I have to go," I explained.

She grabbed my arm. She didn't let go either. She knew I had nowheres to be and wanted me to answer her. I sighed.

"I'll explained everything, just lets her out of the middle of the room."

Brenna shook he head and we got out of the crowd. The two of is stood by one of the walls. I took a seat and so did she.

"You can tell me anything," Brenna explained.

I had to tell her the truth. It's the right thing to do and I guess it's time to admit it. In the back of my head I've always knew the truth, but it's time for me to except it myself.

"I..." I stared at the ground. It's not as easy as it should be. "I...I think I might like you.

I quickly looked up to see her reaction. This was the last thing she was expecting. I looked back at the ground embarrassed, but finally letting myself except it.

Still looking at the ground, something happened. Something I wasn't expecting. She hugged me. I was shocked but hugged her back without hesitation.

While we were hugging she got closer to my ear and whispered, "I've liked you too for the longest time."

This was even more shocking to me. Today I realize that I like her and find out she likes me back. I didn't know what to do, so I just held her and didn't want to let go.

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