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Leo's epilogue

We all did end up graduating. Raph did hardly pass his math class, but he still did pass!

After grad there were a few grad parties that we were invited to. Of corse none of us could go since we were grounded. We decided that we better not sneak out for a party either.

It's been five years now since we've graduated. I recently turned 23. I'm moved out in an apartment with Karai. We're still together after six years now, and we plan to stay together.

We don't know where Shredder is. In fact no one knows. There are rumours that he flew back to Japan after giving up, but other rumours say he died. We don't know what happened to him, and maybe it's for the best!

The kraang has moved back to dimension X. After having a lot of invasions and being stopped so many times, they finally gave up.

I have a part time job at this restaurant. It's fun at times, but it can also be very stressful. I don't plan to keep it for the rest of my life, but it's good for now.

I'm in school to become a dentist. I found interests of teeth after watching this documentary I found on TV one day. This is only my third year so far, but I'm really enjoying it. I've still got a couple more years to go, but after I become a dentist, I have big plans for my future.

I don't do as much ninjutsu as I used to. It's hard when you're busy with school and have a part time job. Being a ninja is a blast, but it doesn't pay money which I need to survive. I still do stop the bad guys just not as often as before. If I ever have the chance, Ill go back to being a full time ninja anytime!

I plan to move into a nice two story house also with a basement. It will have a nice big front and back yard. In the back yard it will have an in ground pool.

If Karai and I make it long enough for me to finish school, I'm going to propose to her. We can get married and start a life together. I don't know how much of this will actually come true, but I'm hoping it all will.

Donnie's Epilogue

After graduating from high school I knew I wanted to go back to school. It took me a while to realize what I wanted to be. I decided to become an astronomer.

I'm almost done school. Soon I will hopefully be able to get a full time job. I am working as a cashier at this shop. It's not the most exciting thing, but I'll quit it once I'm finished with school.

I don't exactly have a girlfriend, but I might ask Brenna out. I know five years ago at prom we kinda had a moment, but we kinda stopped talking since I was grounded for six months.

Lately we started to talk again, and I realized I do like her. She doesn't have a boyfriend so one night I'll ask her out to dinner and we'll take it from there.

I moved out three years ago. I live in a small house by myself. The house is one story, has two rooms, one kitchen, one bathroom, one living room and one hallway. It's not big, but it'll do for now.

I have to admit that living alone is weird. For my entire life I was living with my brothers. Now living alone is quiet, almost too quiet!

I practice tricks with my Bo staff at least twice a week. I don't have as much time to practice, but I don't want to loose my talent! I definitely miss being a full time ninja, but part time is cool too!

Mikey's Epilogue

I'm not in school right now, but I have a reason for that. The reason is that I'm actually running my own pizza shop!

My shop is called "Cowabunga's Pizza" and yes I named it. I work full time there and get to do what I love, make pizzas all day. Although it's my dream job, I do have problems trying not to eat all the pizzas.

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