Chapter 42

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Raph's POV

Tonight is a big night for me. I have a date with Hannah at this sushi place.

I was in my room getting ready. I was deciding what to wear for the night. I looked threw my closet and picked a few things that might work.

I narrowed it down to two selections. They were both tuxes. One was black with a red bow tie, and the other one was navy blue with a red tie.

It took me forever to pick out which one I was going to wear. I finally decided to wear the black one.

When it was half an hour before the date started, I headed downstairs and was about to leave.

"Good luck Raph," Leo said in a voice where I wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic or not.

"Thanks," I answered in the same kinda of voice.

After that, I left. The sushi place was only twenty minutes away from my house, so I decided to walk. I would get there early, but it was better than me being late.

I arrived there early, and waited at the table. She should be here in a few minutes. I waited, and started to worry when she didn't arrive at the time we agreed on.

I sat there nervously. Did she stood me up? She was already ten minutes late. I don't know if she was doing this on purpose, or if she just wasn't coming!

I decided that I was only going to wait twenty more minutes. If she didn't come, I was just going to order without her.

"Sorry I'm late," I heard a voice say.

Hannah sat down in front of me at my table. She was wearing a blue dress with black high heels and bright red lipstick.

"It's fine," I lied. She was almost 30 minutes late!

The waiter came and took our order. I wasn't exactly sure what I ordered, I just liked the sound of it.

"So..." I said trying to bring up a conversation, but didn't know what to say.

"You have any siblings?" was the only thing I could think of.

"No. Do you?"

"Yeah three of them," I replied.

"Really? What's there named?" Hannah asked me sounding interested.

"The oldest is Leo, Donnie's the smartest an Mikey's the youngest," I said.

"Are you Italian?"

I swear every time I intrude myself and my brothers everyone asks that.

"No, we were just named after artists." I explained.

We continued talking. Once our food was served, we still talked, just not as much.

When we finished, it was almost 9:00pm. I know it's not late, but it was getting a little dark outside.

"I should get going," she said.

"Yeah, me too," I said.

We walked outside together. It had gotten a little chillier, but it wasn't cold.

She was about to leave, when I insisted to walk her home. She told me I didn't have to, but I did to make sure nothing happened to her.

I walked her up to her doorstep.

"Thanks Raph, I had a great time," Hannah said standing in front of me.

"No problem, we should do it again," I said.

"Definitely," she replied.

At that moment we didn't speak. We kinda just stared at each other. My heart was telling me to kiss her, but I didn't have the guys to do it.

"See you next time," she said after a few moments of silence.

"See you next time," I confirmed.

She walked into her house and shut the door behind her. I was wishing that I'd kissed her, but I didn't.

I walked home in the dark. Once I did finally made it home I was tired. I went home and went straight to bed.

Tonight was great, I just hope we'll do it again soon.

Donnie's POV

The next morning was Friday. This meant that there were only two weeks of school left! We had just left our house, and was walking to school.

"So how was your date?" Karai asked Raph.

Raph started to blush a little. "It was good."

"Just good?" Mikey asked joining the conversation.

"I don't know," Raph responded.

I thought for a moment. "What do you mean I don't know?" I asked.

"What I'm trying to say is that it's kinda weird talking to you guys about it," Raph blurted out.

"And now you know how it feels when you talk about Brenna and I," I said.

"So you two are a thing?" Raph asked.

I sighed. "No, we aren't," I answered.

"So when are you gonna ask her out?" Karai asked me.

At this point I was the one blushing. "I'm not asking her out!"

"Why, you to scared to?" Leo asked.

I sighed again. "No I'm not," I said. "It's just I don't even like her."

I don't know how many times I have to tell them that. I don't know if they know I don't, or if they do know and just like to bug me about it.

After that we all stopped talking. I'm not positive why, but we just did.

Once we got there, I went to my locker and got out my science binder since that was my first class.

I went there, and took a seat at my desk.

"Today we will be having a pop quiz," my teacher announced.

He went around the class handing out the test. "You may begin."

I started the test as soon as I got my paper. I finished it quickly, then handed in to the teacher. At the end if the class I will get it back.

For the rest of the class I worked on another paper that was due in a few days.

Once there were five minutes until the bell rang, we got our tests back. I looked down at my paper and was surprised by my mark.

64%! My heart started pounding. That's the lowest mark I ever got! I could tell that this was going to be a bad day.

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