Chapter 52

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Splinter's POV

(A little bit earlier)

I was downstairs meditating. The last thing I knew was that all of them were upstairs. When I finished meditating, I did see Leonardo, but just him. I suspected nothing.

I went upstairs to check on them. All of the doors were closed as they normally were. I wasn't sure which room they were in, so I started with Raphael's door.

I knocked on it and waited. After a few instants I knew that they were not in there.

I moved down the hall to Donatello's room. I knocked three times then waited. Once again there was no answer.

After Donatello's room, I checked Michelangelo's room. Next Leonardo's, and finally Karai's. No one was in any of the rooms.

I knew nobody was on the main floor because I was just there, so I decided to check the basement. I walked downstairs and noticed that not a single person was there!

I was confused. Where could they be? Did they sneak out? I realized that they must've, because I checked the entire house for them.

That's when it hit me. The prom was tonight, but they were grounded so they couldn't go! I guess they left and went to the prom without my permission!

I became furious! They have no right to sneak out, especially since they are grounded. I thought they would've learned their lesson after they through a party! I guess the consequences weren't good enough!

I phoned Leonardo and told them they had to come back now! I said it in a stern voice so they he would listen.

I waited for them to come back. While I waited, I was picking out punishments for them. They were going to be big ones since they weren't supposed to leave the house!

After half an hour, they finally came back. I don't like having to punish them, but I do only what they deserve. They have to learn their lesson one way or another.

Raph's POV

Splinter told us to follow him. We just stood there quietly and nodded our heads. We knew that if we were going to sneak out that we'd get punished for it. We just didn't know how bad the punishments would be.

Splinter lead us into the basement. Everyone pulled out a chair and formed one line. Splinter out a chair in front of us and sat down.

I was on the edge beside Mikey. Mikey sat next to Donnie. Leo was on the right side of Donnie, and Karai was next to him. Not one of us five had said a word.

"Care to explain where you were tonight? Anyone?" Splinter asked us in a very unimpressed voice.

Nobody spoke a word. We were all to shy and nervous to talk. I looked down at my feet as I swung them back and forth.

Leo sighed. Realizing he was the only one who was willing to step up, he began to speak. "We go to the prom."

Splinter looked at us all. "What happened to being grounded? And what happened to asking before you left?

I knew I had to step up and talk. "It was my idea to go," I said ashamed.

I was the reason why we were getting in trouble. I was the one who suggested we left.

"And what made you think that it was okay to leave?" Splinter asked.

I had to come up with an answer. I wanted to be honest, but not make it sound rude.

"I knew it was wrong, but I also knew that this was our only prom we have!" I explained.

Splinter sighed. "Yes I understand that you wanted to go, but you cannot get everything you want!"

I looked down at the ground again. I was feeling too guilty.

"You all knew it was wrong, but not even one of you picked the smart choice."

Well, Leo almost didn't come. But he knew he was missing out on a lot, so he did decide to come after all.

"All five of you will be punished for, sneaking out, leaving while you were grounded, and not listening to me when I told you not to go." Splinter explained.

I was starting to get really nervous now. We were getting punished for three things!

"I gave you a smaller punishment for having a party. I thought you would've learned by now, but you didn't. That is why this punishment will be A LOT bigger than your last one.

The suspense was killing me! Just tell me my punishment already!

"Since you all still had 2 months left from the last time you were grounded, I will add two months to the amounts am punishing you for now."

This isn't going to be good. I thought that maybe he would've left those two months out!

"You are all grounded for 4 months, 6 in total," Splinter explained.

All of us were shocked. 6 months! That's half a year!

"I will be taking your phones, and you may not watch TV unless I am watching it."

And just when I thought the punishments were bad, they were just getting worst!

"No videos games, and no phoning anyone on the house phone either! If you break any of these rules, you will be grounded for an even longer time."

At this point we were all so shocked. I'm almost starting to wish that I didn't go!

"So we're grounded for 6 months, are not allowed to watch TV, go on our phones or play videos games? Karai asked.

"Correct," Splinter explained. "You needed to learn your lesson, and I'm sure you will learn it now." Splinter explained.

After that Splinter let us leave. He took our phones and put them somewhere that we wouldn't be able to get them.

I knew we would be punished, but I wasn't expecting anything like this. Now that I think about it, we do kinda deserve it though.

First off, we snook out when we were grounded.

Next we left the house without telling him.

We also did go after he told us that we weren't supposed to go.

We were out past 10:00pm and aren't allowed to be gone that late.

All of us knew it was wrong, but we went with it.

And we did just have a party not to long ago and try to hide the fact that we had one.

We did need to learn our lesson.

That is six things that we weren't supposed to do and did them anyways. I don't really know why we broke so many rules. There was only one logical explanation. It must be a grade twelve thing!

(Epilogues next chapter!)

The end/endish

This is the end of the story but there will be epilogues next chapter, so make sure you read the next chapter!

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