Chapter 39

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Mikey's POV

Today since it was a weekend, we decided to have a pinball tournament. Well at least Raph Leo and I decided it.

We decided that the rules were going to be we each get game. Whoever gets the highest score wins.

I decided to go first, Leo next, and then Raph.

"Good luck," Raph wished me.

"Thanks," I replied.

It was my turn. I pulled the lever at the front of the machine, the the ball was released.

I just the little arms (or whatever they're called) to hit it. The game went on and on, until I lost my first round.

Round two was next. I swear I played the second round for at least fifteen minutes before I lost.

This was my last round. My score was just over four million points. I wanted to get six million. Whenever the ball rolled towards me, I pressed the buttons on the sided repetitively. Five million was my new score.

After pressing the buttons some more, I got six million. Shortly after that I lost the last round.

"Not too bad, for an armature," Raph said.

"Not like you can do much better," I stated.

"We'll see about that after Leo goes," he said.

Next up was Leo. I was worried. Leo was probably the best at pinball out of all of us!

Leo started off with a bad start. The first round he only ended up getting one million.

On the second round, he did a lot better. His score went up to two million, three million, now four million! He was doing really good. While he was still playing, I heard somebody's phone ring.

"I'll be back," Raph said answering it, and walking to his room.

About two minutes after Raph left, Leo list his second round. He was up to five million.

"If I can get just over a million, I win," Leo said.

"Yeah, but if you do as bad as you did in the first round, I win," I said.

Leo pulled the lever. It came down to this. Whoever won would knock the other person out of the tournament.

Leo's score got up to four million and five hundred thousand. He was catching up to me!

Shortly after he reached five million and eight hundred thousand. He was almost there!

When the ball came towards Leo, he panicked and pressed the left button instead of the right one!

"I beat you!" I cried out in happiness.

Leo was only a couple thousand points away from beating me.

"You got lucky this time," Leo said.

It wasn't luck. Well, I guess maybe a little. It was more the luck of pressing buttons that made me win!

Now all that's left is Raph. Once he comes back, he'll have to challenge doctor gaming-stein.

Raph's POV

While We were in the middle of the pinball tournament, I got a phone call. When I picked it up, I didn't recognize the number. I decided t answer it anyways.

I'm glad I did answer it, because I was shocked about who it was, Hannah.

•On the phone•

"Hey Raph," Hannah said.

"Hi Hannah," I answered nervously. She wanted five days to call me. After a while, I didn't think she was going to call!

"I was wondering if you were busy Thursday night," Hannah asked.

Not really knowing if I was, I answered "No, why?"

"Would you like to go to Sushi palace then?"

I realized she was asking me out. "Yeah of course. Is 6:00 okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's fine with me. See you then," Hannah said and hung up.

I decided not to tell anyone about my date right away. It's not for a few days anyways. Now off to beat my brothers in pinball.

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