Chapter 13

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Mikey's POV

It's finally happening.

I've been terrified of this for a long time.

Today I'll have to face my fear...


I have my math one today. So does April and Leo.

Donnie and Karai have an English exam today.

Raph and Casey don't have one today.

I sat on the couch with my stomach in a knot.

Soon I was going to school.
Soon I'd be doing my exam.

"It won't be that bad." Donnie said trying to convince me.

"Yeah for you it won't. You're like a genius!" I exclaimed.

"Just do what you studied and you'll be fine."

I know I wasn't going to do fine.
I'll probably fail!

I hate tests.
I hate math!
This is going to be horrible!

"It's time to go Mikey." Leo called.

I stood up.

"Can't I do the test another day?" I asked.

"Don't be ridiculous." Leo said.

I was shaking.

I can't fail.
There's no way I'm going through grade eight math again!

"Let's go." I said.

We went outside.

"Good luck!" Raph called.

We walked to school as usual.

After seven minutes, we got there.

"Bye, good luck!" Donnie said.

We went to class.

I'm even more nervous now knowing I'll have to start anytime now.

"This is a test," my teacher said. "There is no copying off of other people tests, or any talking. If there is, you will be I'm serious trouble. As soon as I pass out the test, you may begin." My teacher instructed.

My teacher started to hand them out.

Soon enough there was a paper on front of me.

There was 50 questions.

14 of them were multiple choice questions.

36 of them weren't.

I started with the multiple choice questions.

Surprisingly I was pretty confident with my answers.

I had a little bit of troubles with the non multiple question ones, but honestly, I expected it to be a lot harder.

After two hours I was done.

April and Leo had already finished.

I quickly looked over my answers, then I handed it in.

I really hope I did good.

Or I hope I at least passed.

I'll find out my results next Monday when I finish all of my exams.

Just three left for this week, just three more left.

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