Aiyora flashed her a genuine smiled as they headed to checkout counter. "Can't I have some whom I'm indebted to?" In her words the term indebted to basically translates to — in love with.

They were at the lobby, waiting for Kaname to come down.

Senri and Aiyora were on the sofa located to the left, Akatsuki and Aidou were seated on the opposite one. Rima stood behind Senri, Ruka was standing in the middle, beside the wooden center table and Takuma was standing on staircase located behind Senri and Aiyora.

All of them were trying their best to block out the screams of the fangirls which was making it's way in penetrating through the sound proof walls of the moon dormitory.

If this was the situation inside, one could only imagine what hard time the prefects were having controlling such crowd outside.

"Everyone seems so excited..." The vice president commented.

"...Even though St. Xocolotto Day is tomorrow." Akasuki finished the sentence suppressing a yawn. Clearly showing he barely got any sleep because of this chaos. But his cousin on the other hand seemed perked up for this event.

"I wonder how many chocolate I'll get this year. ...Akasuki, wanna make a bet to see who gets more this year?" the fiery haired vampire nodded his head 'no'.

"This is so annoying." Senri blurted out, making a disgusted face.

Aiyora snapped her head at him. Now she felt a bit unsure whether it would be a good idea to go along with her plan. Or will she make a total fool out of herself.

"I'm sure you'll get a ton of chocolate, Shiki."

Aiyora looked at the vice president, who came down the stairs to encourage his friend.

"That's not the point Takuma-" the model got cut off as Ruka suddenly chimed in excitement.


Everyone there turned to see their leader coming down the stairs situated behind Aidou and Kain with Seiran towing behind.

"Morning Kaname." Takuma greeted.

"Let's go..." was all he said to the awaiting group before heading straight towards the gate.


Everything about the switchover that afternoon seemed normal. The fangirls screaming their lungs out. The night class minding their business and heading to class, except the flirty Aidou.

The purebloods stepped out maintaining their poise and elegance. Recently Aiyora, Akatsuki and Ruka have been getting called out more. It was due to the modelling assignment they did.

The Kuran siblings greeted Yuuki with a tender smile. While Kaname continued on his way Aiyora stopped to have a small talk with the prefect. And this earned the petite brunette several deathly glare from the fan girls. But it made no difference to either girls.

And then, the anomaly happened. The leader of the night class suddenly stopped.

Noticing that the rest also stopped. Aiyora and Yuuki also abruptly paused their conversation. At first they thought Kaname was coming towards them, but was proven wrong when he changed direction and headed towards Zero.

"Hello Zero... how are you feeling?" the said person looked at the pureblood confused. Then leaning a bit closer he whispered, "...take care of yourself."

Whilst his action confused everyone, it angered Zero. The latter's hands balled to fist as he tried to control his rage.

"Listen if you want to challenge me, then know that I'm ready whenever you are... Kaname." he snapped at the retreating pureblood.

Vampire Knight (Kaname Kuran X OC X Senri)Where stories live. Discover now