41: A Tint of Jealousy

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" Hi. "

Nanako looks up from the shelves of snacks she was at standing in front of ".... Erein ? "

Erein: I never pegged you for the grocery type.

Nanako: just getting some snacks for my kids. For me.

Erein: none for your husband ?

Nanako: he doesn't like those kinds. I'll buy something else for him.

Erein : I see.

Nanako : what brings you here ? Were you stalking me ?

Erein : I want to chat with you. That's all.

Nanako : chat... With me ?

Erein nods " I remember, you love cakes. Chocolate cheesecake. And black tea. How about that ?"

Nanako: erm...

Erein : come on. It's just a chat.

Nanako : ... ok then.

Erein : so how's life ? I heard raiko was a bit troublesome.

Nanako: we're ok now. Thanks.

Erein : we used to have so many things to talk about. Now you're going to be like that with me ?

Nanako: .... You are the master of your family now. Can't be... Like last time.

Erein sips his tea " why not ?"

Nanako : because... Just because...

Erein : don't be like that with me. You didn't really think what I said then, actually was true right ?


Erein : of course it has to be her.

Hojo : I have two other daughters you can choose from.

Erein : I have my reasons

Hojo: what reasons ?

Erein :... Her genes. I know she fights well. Imagine our kid.

End ~

Nanako : Hairin and Yuina aren't that bad as well.

Erein: I said that so your father would let me marry you. I had to give some reason.

Nanako : I guess... Father never agreed anyway.

Erein : and I rejected in the end, anyway.

Nanako: my father had his reasons to saying no.

Erein : weird that your father never offered me Ione.

Nanako: Ione had something father could not lose. She always had ways to get what she wanted.

Erein : and she's the only one who protects you.

Nanako : um.

Erein : you shouldn't have agreed to marry that Hibari. I could have got you out. You needn't have to go along with such a ridiculous proposal.

Nanako : I have to. Because...if not me ... There's no one else to sacrifice. It's ok. I'm happy now because of it. *Smiles*

Erein : why do you lie to yourself ? He's a controlling man . No different from your father.

Nanako : that's not true !!! Kyoya is just really protective of me.

Erein sighed " if you think so ."

Nanako : it is so.

Erein : ok ok. I don't want to fight you.


Erein : I was surprised when you asked me for my help.

Erika : not help. Just mutual benefit.

Erein: if you would like to think so.


Kyoya sat down at the garden table in the greenhouse. He sips his coffee " so I heard you met someone special today."

Nanako cuts the fruits into smaller pieces on the board " huh ?"

Kyoya: a man.

Nanako puts the fruit pieces on the many plates " um. "

Kyoya : stop cutting those . I'm talking to you.

Nanako took up a plate and placed it on the stand " it's no one dangerous. Not family either. Don't worry. " She took another plate.

Kyoya: I thought you didn't like him. That, erein .

Nanako places all the plates on the stand and puts it to its position. She sits down again " you got someone to stalk me ? "

Kyoya : it's just protection.

Nanako : I don't need protection. I'm a killer myself. How would you feel, if I got bodyguards for you ?

Kyoya : this is not about me !!

Nanako : well, I don't need them.

Kyoya: you seemed close to him. Even went for tea. Was it a lie ?

Nanako : what... ? No !! I don't like him. Not now anymore. He said some mean things before. So I avoided him.

Apparently he said I mistaken him.

Kyoya : so you were, close before ?

Nanako : .... Friends. We were friends. That's all.

Kyoya: that's , all ?

Nanako : um...

Kyoya : you aren't hiding anything from me , are you ?

Nanako : what? Why would I ?

Kyoya: he tried to marry you and failed. The marriage never got through and he's still single now.

Nanako : what are you trying to say !!

Kyoya clenches his fist. He closes his eyes to take a pause to think whether if he should even say it " you two didn't... That's why..."

She stood up from the chair angrily " what ?!!! No !! How could you !!! Wouldn't you know about that !! You had me didn't you ?!! " She yelled and left.

Kyoya : crap...

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