35: Raiko Nii-sama Is Back In Town

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Raiko : nice to see you again. Ione.

Ione : raiko nii. Rare to see you back in this city.

Raiko : I'm here for other reasons. People hire, I appear.

Ione: is that the reason why you're in my room ?

Raiko : not really...

Ione puts on another pair of shoes " hmm

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Ione puts on another pair of shoes " hmm... Boots are nicer. "

Raiko : I'm here for...

Ione: she's not free.

Raiko ; and only you would be so protective of her.

Ione:  you owe her raiko nii. Don't think she ever forgot that.

Raiko: is that a threat ?

Ione wears back her boots " just a gentle reminder. She's a mother of three and happily married with a man who actually loves and adores her."

Raiko : adores ? *Laughs* come on . I didn't peg her for the type who fall for delusions. Oh well.

Ione : she told me to tell you, she's not helping you anymore.

Raiko ; wow. Marriage gave her guts huh ?

Ione sits on the sofa cross legged " she says, to ask you to remember that you owe her."

Raiko: Since when did you become her messenger ? Did things change so much that I don't recognise anything anymore ?

Ione : just helping my imoto pass a message. She's the only one I actually consider family.


" Raiko-sama." His subordinate, jack called out " you're back."

Raiko : jack. Nanako says I owe her. Since when did I owe her ?

Jack: well... You really pissed her that time. It was a very rare thing. I didn't even know Nanako could get angry. So angry , she said you owe her.


Nanako: why did you give the order to kill the little boy ?!! You promised if I killed his parents, he would be spared !!

Raiko : our client changed their mind.

Nanako : but you promised. He's just a little boy.

Raiko : exactly. What are you, getting so attached for ?

Her tears fell " he wasn't even of their blood !! He's an adopted child whose current parents are actually his uncle and aunt !! "

Raiko : so ?

Nanako : ellis... Did not like the mafia life. He was going to get another life. A better one. I found him a better... Family. He could have... Better. And you ruined it !! "

Raiko : chill. Just a kid. Just another life. You kill so many anyway.

" You owe me. I don't care... You owe me this !!! " She yelled with tears streaming down her face and left.

End of flashback~

Raiko : until now ?

Jack : apparently.

Raiko : so she has a ... Grudge towards me ?

Jack ; it would seem so.

Raiko laid his head backwards " ugh... And I was going to propose something ."

Jack : propose what ?
Jack ; yea... Don't do it. She will actually kill you. She managed to rifle with Asaki-sama's feathers.

Raiko : oh really ? So you think I should be scared of her

Jack kept quiet.

Raiko : hmph.

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