37: Raiko's Proposal

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Raiko : Nanako. My imoto. Nice to see you again.

Nanako : raiko nii-sama ?

Raiko : I came with a proposal. A very interesting one.

Nanako : a proposal ? That's so unlike you. I thought you were only concerned with your mercenary business.

Raiko : I am.

Nanako pours tea into his cup " oh..."

Raiko : I heard that the Hibari also run the same business as I. Just bigger.

Nanako : hai. I don't talk to hibari-san though. He doesn't like me, at all. He thinks I'm near his son for some goal.

Raiko sips his tea " other than Ione, I'm the only other sibling in the family you actually tell your thoughts about. So... I know you."

Nanako : oh...

Do you ? Really ? You never seem to care about my sadness.

Then again, knowing and caring is two different things.

Raiko : you hate me because you couldn't protect that little boy . That's why you said I owe you. You... Are very protective.

Nanako : I guess I am.

Raiko : here's my proposal.  I'll protect your kids for you. In exchange, allow one of your boys to admit me as his foster father. Which after have the boy to take over the assets of the old man when he dies.

Nanako: you're going to attempt to kill him ?

Raiko : that's not your business to care. Your hands are clean.

Nanako: what a great plan . Are you going to try the same with our father ?

Raiko : oh please. We both know you don't like our father. Why do you care if he lives .

Nanako : that, is your proposal.

" Exactly. This way, I'll definitely protect your kids. " He stands up to leave " think about it " and he leaves.

She throws the cup in her hand onto the floor " bastard "

" Nanako. " Kyoya walks in.

Nanako : kyoya .

Kyoya : someone who actually made you angry.

Nanako : he's... Just a bastard...

He strokes her hair " I can beat him up for you. But he is your nii-sama. Do you want me to do it ? "  She shakes her head and clenched onto his shirt " it's ok... "

Kyoya: don't want to trouble me ?

Nanako : um...

Kyoya kisses her forehead " my kind kind wife."

Mike : hibari-sama.

Kyoya ; yes ?

Mike : if... Erm... If you ever thought of going to trash Raiko's place. Take me along. I have issues with him.

Kyoya smirked " come along then."

Mike : hai !!


Later that night...

Kyoya : I'm home.

Nanako : where did you go? There wasn't any mission today. I cooked dinner for you.

Kyoya brings her in by cupping her head in, he kissed her forehead " Nanako. No one can bully you. No one." He hugs her.

Nanako : eh ? Hai... What's wrong ?

Kyoya : someone will understand that very shortly. No one bullies you or my children.

Nanako : what did you do ?

He lets her go and looks into her eyes with a gentle smile. It was rare she saw this kind of smile. She responses by smiling back.

( Nanako )

For some reason... I feel safe. Like it's ok.

He pulled her hand along " come on. Shower. "

Nanako : eh ? You haven't told me!



Jack sighs as he picks up the broken wine glass on the floor and puts it on the standing cupboard " we were attacked. Thrashed. Obvious enough."

Raiko : no shit jack.NO SHIT.

Jack ; our people are saying it's Vongola's Hibari kyoya and Mike.

Raiko : what Mike ?

Jack : the Mike that we claimed betrayed us and disappeared and ordered him killed. Which then, he proceeded to actually disappear.

Raiko : what ?!

Jack : yup.

Raiko laughed in an annoyed fashion " wow. WOW. So this is declaring war ? The guts she's got."

Jack ; I don't think this is about Nanako-san. It's more about... Hibari saying, fuck my family and I fuck with you.

Raiko : that manipulative bitch.

Jack: like I said... She just got a protective husband and someone who is bent on revenge.

Raiko kicked the dead guy on his couch off and sat down " so petty. All I'm asking is to borrow one of her children. "

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