16: Please Don't Ever Let Me Go

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Nanako bows and sits down " hibari-sama. "

" I've tried to look into you. " Kyoya's father, Hibari Tenji said .

Nanako : hai ?

Tenji: it turned up nothing on my first try until you killed all the staff that night. So I guessed I had to dig way deeper. Hojo Mysterious Hitman.

Nanako : eh ?

Tenji : don't act in front of me !! I even know there are some rumours surrounding you !!

Nanako: rumours ? I'm sure they're not true. You know people like us. Rumours can be dangerous if they're a lie.

Tenji : but that is a risk we must take.

Nanako : are you trying to say something ?

Tenji: .... I don't care about those things anymore. I know your siblings are out to kill my grandchildren because they don't want their businesses to be taken away by some Hibari.

Nanako : hai. That sounds about right

Tenji : I knew it. That's why we're here today. Kyoya doesn't give a shit about these things . I do.

Nanako : because you want Hojo's assets too ?

Tenji : Ara. You're not dull. Divorce kyoya. Give me my grandkids. Your marriage between you and him was transactional anyway. I'll protect them.

Nanako remained with a smile " don't act like you care. You just want my children so you can have a right to claim the Hojo assets."

Tenji : your siblings want to kill them.

Nanako: I know. That why I came back. To say one final goodbye to kyoya-sama. I had intended to divorce him so he could find someone better. Someone he loves... And then bring my children away... Far far away...

Tenji ; how dare you !!! They're mine !!!

Nanako : no. They're my kids . My children. My babies. But I changed my mind. Kyoya-sama convinced me to stay for him. So I'll fight to stay.

Tenji: he doesn't like you !! He doesn't even touch you for five years !!  If he even liked you even a little bit, even just for your body, he would have showed !!!

Nanako remains polite " end of conversation. Have a good day Hibari-sama." And she leaves.

Nanako : kill my babies... I'll kill you first .

Sasari : Nanako?

Nanako: oh. Sasari-san. Hai ?

Sasari : nothing. You seemed a little blank. That's all.

Nanako: haha. Gomen.

Sasari ; it's time to make tea snacks. I came here to remind you.

Nanako : hai. I'll bring some to kyoya. Don't worry.

Sasari ; kyoya ? Didn't you used to call him kyoya-sama ?

Nanako : huh ? Um. I'll take care of it.

Sasari : I see. Arigatou then.

Kyoya sees sasari enter his room " what are you doing here ?"

Sasari ; it's tea time. Don't you remember ?

Kyoya : where's the tea ?

She sits down beside him " you're really impatient. Wait. It's coming."

Kyoya : I see. Have you told the children ? They're usually very enthusiastic about it.

" They've gone to the movies with kusakabe-san. So... We can have a bit of an alone time~~ " she pushes him on his back " kyo-san ~ "

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