The Start of the Tour

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**Austin's POV**
Today Tiffany and I are leaving for the tour. I have everything packed and I can't wait to pick up Tiffany. I have so many things planned and I can't wait to show her.
**Tiffany's POV**
I just finished packing all my stuff when I hear a car horn. I look at my window and I see Austin waving at me. I wave back. I go downstairs and open the door for him.
"Ready to go?" He asks
"Yes. I'm so excited!" I say
We walk into the living room where my family is sitting on the couch playing on their phones.
"It's time for us to leave." I say
They all stand up. I hug all of them and tell them goodbye.
"I need to get my bags." I say to Austin
I go upstairs and zip up my suitcases. I have one big suitcase and two smaller ones. Austin and Cole come into my room and grab my suitcases. Austin grabs the larger one and Cole grabs the two smaller ones. I grab my purse.
I already called Ashley and Amber and they will be taking care of the store while I'm gone.
Cole pulls Austin to the side. He tells him something that I can't hear.
"Okay. I will man." Austin says and shakes his hand.
They load my bags into the car and we wave to my family as we drive away.
I sit in silence listening to Austin sing along with the radio. After about 25 minutes of driving Austin pulls into an empty parking lot where his tour bus is.
He parks and we get out. I grab my purse and sling it over my shoulder.
I stop to look at the bus. I just can't believe that I'm going on tour with Austin.
The door to the tour bus opens and Austin goes in and I'm following close behind. I step in and the tour bus is nice. On the right I see the living space. There is a long black couch. On the left is the kitchen area and a cushioned bench for two people. Further back there is the sleeping area. On the left and right there are two triple bunk beds. There is a total of 12 beds.
"Wow. This is really nice!" I say
"Where do you sleep?" I ask Austin
"I will show you." he says smiling
We go past the 12 beds and there is a door. Austin opens the door and he has his own queen size bed and a big mirror and he has his own bathroom. He also has his own stand up shower with a glass door. I will not be taking a shower in our bedroom. I look around some more and there is a lot of closet space. There are drawers under the bed.
"You will be sleeping in here with me." He says
I nod.
A guy walks in with my bags and sets them on the floor.
"Thank you." I say as the guy leaves
He just smiles in return and walks to the front of the bus.
"What do they do with your car?" I ask
"They take it back to my house. We can't bring it with us much as I would like that." He says not breaking eye contact with me.
I look away. I'm not very good with keeping eye contact.
"So where is our first stop?" I ask
"New York." he says
"Can you promise me something?" He asks
"Depends on what it is." I say
"Promise me you won't get jealous when the 'U girl' comes on stage."
I laugh.
"Of course I won't." I say
"Promise me?" He asks
"I promise." I say
"Okay good." He says
"Do you think you will be able to feel at home since we will be on the road for a couple months?" He asks
"Ya. I think so." I say
"Good. And if you don't then just let me know. Maybe I can fix that." he says smiling
"Okay." I say smiling back
"Let's go socialize." Austin says
I follow behind him and sit between Austin and Robert.
They all start talking and I'm just playing on my phone. Before I know it the tour bus comes to a stop. I look out the window and we stopped in front of Olive Garden. We all get out and go inside. It's packed when we walk in.
"Mr. Mahone right this way." a lady says
We all follow her into an empty room which was reserved for us. Austin sits down and I sit next to him on his right and Alex sits next to me. We all order our drinks. Our drinks come out along with breadsticks and salad. We then order our food and like an hour later the food comes out. As I was eating my elbow kept hitting Austin's because I am left handed and Austin is right handed. After I finish Austin knocks his soda all over my lap.
"I'm so so so sorry Tiffany!" He says
"That's okay I will just go back on the tour bus and change." I get up and leave. I walk up on the tour bus and go back to Austin and I's room. I open my suitcase and decide to put on my pajama pants. Austin walks in.
"I'm really sorry Tiffany." he says
"Don't worry about it. You didn't hurt me. Accidents happen." I say smiling
He hugs me and we walk to the living area. Alex and Robert start playing basketball on the Play Station.
I watch Alex and Robert yell at the tv.
I look at the time and yawn. It's 10:35 pm.
"I'm going to bed." I tell Austin and give him a kiss on the cheek.
I get up take off my shirt and put a tank top on. I crawl into bed and fall asleep quickly even though I can still hear all the noise. I wake up to Austin getting into bed. I pretend that I am still asleep since my back is facing him. He wraps his arms around my waist and I smile.
I hear him whisper 'I love you Tiffany' and I'm back asleep.
I wake up to the sound of water and Austin singing. I turn over and look at the clock 2:34 am. Austin is taking a shower in the main bathroom. He probably figured that I would turn over and see him naked. I fall back asleep.
I wake up to a siren. As I wake up it continues to get louder and louder. I put my hair up into a messy bun and leave Austin's room. Austin has the megaphone with the siren going off.
"Time to wake up!!" He yells
He looks over and sees me.
"Good morning beautiful!" He says smiling really big
"Did you sleep okay last night?" He asks
I shrug.
"Some what. Woke up three times." I say
"It was probably from me huh." He says
"Ya. It's fine though." I say
"Why do we have to wake up early? We don't arrive in New York until tomorrow." Zach asks
"Because why not." Austin says
"We need to get to know each other more." He says
"Tiffany is new here so we need her to get comfortable around us and we need to get comfortable around her." Austin says
We walk into the living area and all sit down.
They start talking about how the show is going to go.
I'm in deep thought when I hear my name.
"What?" I say
"We were asking you if you liked Austin better in beanies, snapbacks, or with his hood up." Robert says
"Oh um I don't know. They all look good." I say
"I don't have a personal favorite." I add
They all just nod.
"I can't wait for you to see the show!" Austin says excitedly
"Me too." I say
Twitter- @Lbjafglam253
Instagram- @cheesecakelover253

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