Vaction Part 3 (short chapter)

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All of a sudden I see something swimming in the water beneath my feet.
I scream.
"There's something in the water!" I yell
Austin turns the jet ski around and stops in front of me.
"Grab my hand."
I grab his hand but I pulled to hard and he fell in the water along with me.
"Sorry Austin."
He gets back on.
"It's okay."
I grab his hand again and as I'm being pulled out of the water I feel a bite on my pinky toe.
I scream really loud.
"Something just bit me."
All of a sudden the water starts turning red from the blood.
I look down and my toe is just gushing blood and my toe looks like it's about to fall off.
I start to cry from all the pain.
Austin goes as fast as the jet ski will let him go.
We make it to the shore in a few minutes.
Austin yells for my parents. They come running over. Cole and Jack come running over too. Austin picks me up bridal style.
"Oh my god what happened!?" My mom asks freaking out.
I'm bawling my eyes out at this point. 
"Something bit her."
My dad takes a towel and wraps my foot in it.
"Let's get to the hospital!" Cole says.
They grab everything and throw it in the trunk. We rush to hospital.
My crying has died down but I'm still in a lot of pain.
We go into the emergency room.
"My daughter's toe looks like it's going to fall off." My dad says
He unwraps my foot to show the lady.
"Ah I see. I'll get you in as soon as possible."
Austin is still holding me. He sits down and I sit on his lap. I get a lot of weird looks so I bury my face into Austin's shirt.
I still don't know what bit me. The only thing that I can think of is a shark but I know it wasn't a shark because it was small and it probably would have bitten off my whole leg instead of my toe.
The nurse calls my name and Austin stands up with me in his arms and walks to the room. He places me on the bed and sits in the chair next to me. He places his hand on mine and gives me a weak smile. I smile back regardless of the pain. I look down and see the towel soaked with blood. I've never seen so much blood before and it's funny how it's just all coming from my pinky toe.
The doctor comes in. By now I've stopped crying.
"What happened?"
"Something bite my foot." I say
"What bite your foot?"
"I'm not sure. It wasn't for clear."
He unwraps my foot and looks at it.
He stops the bleeding.
"We are going to have to stitch your toe back on."
The doctor injects me with a numbing agent so I can't feel my toe.
He then takes this hook like tool and ties thread to the end of it.
"Let me know if you feel anything sharp."
He starts to sow up my toe. 10 minutes later it's all done.
The doctor gave me some medicine and told me that I need to take the stitches out in 4-5 days.
I put my shoes back on and my toe feels like it's really big.
When we get back to the hotel, I decide to take a nap.
This has been a very interesting vacation.

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