Freaking out part 2

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I don't know what to do. I can't just turn around and leave so I just stay where I am at frozen in shock.

"Hi." Austin says in a nice calm tone with a smile on his face.

Oh my gosh he is talking to him. I have to take a deep breathe and try not to freak out even more. He is even more cuter in person then in a picture. He has the most perfect smile ever and those eyes! Those are so perfect too. I'm starting to feel weak like I'm going to faint.

"Hi." I say all shy

"There is no reason to be shy." He says moving a piece of hair behind my ear.

I stand there not saying anything. I feel so stupid because I can't find anything to say to my idol. I wanted to ask him so many questions but now I don't know what to say since I'm empty minded.

" have some really cool clothing. Where do you get them from?" He says with that million dollar smile

"I-I make them myself. I buy the fabrics and materials and then make them from scratch." I say with a small smile on my face.

"Well your creations are so awesome keep up the good work." He says with that sweet smile.

"I will." I say

"Hey do this shoes come in a bigger size?" Asks Alex showing me a pair of blue electric shoes.

"Ya they do what size you need?" I ask

He tells me the size and I head to the back to find the shoes he wanted.

"See what did I tell ya?" Ashley says with a smirk.

"Oh shut up. Your just excited as me so I wouldn't be talkin." I say with a smirk on my face.

"I well I least I-" I cut her off

"What at least you know how to...hide?" I say. She blushes and goes somewhere else in the back room.

I find the shoes Alex wanted and head back to find them. When I find them they are all laughing at something. I can't see what is so funny since everybody is around somebody on the floor. There is an opening and I see Zach on the floor laughing as hard as everybody else. Zach put some silly costume on that was made for a girl. He had on a pink shiny dress with a blonde wig and some clip on earrings. I can't help but laugh. After about 5 minute of everybody laughing they notice me and Zach starts to blush.

"Here are the shoes you wanted Alex." I say

"Thanks." He says

Ashley decides to come out but makes a complete fool of herself. She looses her balance and knocks over 4 racks full of clothing and then she runs out of the store all embarrassed.

"Well if you guys need any help just let me know." I say

I head towards the racks that Ashley knocked over and start to pick up the clothes lying all over the floor. Austin comes over and starts to help me pick up the racks and some clothing.

"You don't have to help." I say. Why did I just say that. I'm so stupid under pressure.

"Oh no it's fine" he says.

"Thanks" I say.

"Sure anything for a fan." He winks at me and I blush. I turn away so he can't see.

"Hello sir how can I help you?" I say to a customer who just walked into the store.

"Yes I'm here to pick up those jeans for my daughter." He says bored

"Ok. I will be right back with them. I will meet you at the register." I say

I go to the back and grab the jeans I finished earlier.

"Here you are. That will be $38.47." I say

He pays and leaves the store. Austin and the crew are still looking at all different kinds of shoes and shirts that will match. After them shopping for 30 minutes they decide to pay.

"So..." Austin says "I was wondering if you had anything going on tomorrow?" he asks scratching the back of his neck.

Oh my gosh he is asking me out on a date.

"I don't think so" I say

"Great. I will pick you up at 5:30." he says

"Ok. I will be here in the store." I say

"Ok so see you tomorrow." he says

"Ya see you tomorrow." I say

I can't believe I am going on a date with The Austin Mahone.


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter please comment and favorite.


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